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Sunday, Jul. 14, 2002 - 7:08 p.m.

What a klutz I can be sometimes�

How to screw up a perfectly good dinner:

Plan everything out. Make a nice salad (including vine-ripened tomatoes and sweet bell peppers) about 2 hours before the main course, and then eat while watching a big-budget Hollywood movie (That would be Pearl Harbor-good special effects, but why make it into a love triangle story? I passed on this one forever, but it was what was on today so�).

Peel a bunch of new potatoes (Yukon Gold-from the garden at work) and make a huge batch of smashed potatoes. Go all out- use real butter.

Shuck a couple of ears of bi-color sweet corn, and put into pot on stove. Start cooking when the grill is ready.

On the grill, skewer a few pods of okra (picked before the Japanese beetles found them last week) and some sections of sweet onions. Spray with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Cut two small zucchini (also from the garden at work) in half-coat in olive oil and sprinkle with West Texas Dust (a great spice blend with mucho heat). Cook before the steak, so they have time to be well done.

When things are just right, cut a few sprigs of fresh oregano. Put these under the spot on the grill where the rib eyes will reside, and then immediately drop the steaks on the grill.

Cover. Watch massive quantities of smoke billow out of the grill, both through the vent holes and the sides (caused by the charcoal vaporizing the oregano sprigs).

Turn the steaks only one time, keeping the juices inside. Remove the veggies (because they were done) and my steak (I like them medium-rare). Take these inside, and then return to remove the last item.

Lease�s steak. She likes them well done, so I leave it on until the last minute.

When steak is at the perfect level of done-ness, remove the top of the Weber. Pick up steak, and then burn hand on the lid. Drop both, causing Lease�s steak to fall to the ground. Naturally, that was in a pile of ashes and dirt below the grill.

Grilling fact #27- Steak that has fallen on the ground and receives a generous rub of dirt and ashes is NOT edible!

Don�t matter what you try to do with it (wash it off? No. Wipe it with a paper towel? No again.), the fact remains: this fine cut of meat has rolled around on the ground, and won�t be worth eating.

She tried. I will give her that. But the first bite that contained a chunk of gravel-like substance, and she was done.

At least I made a large batch of smashed potatoes. She loves them.

The salad turned out good, anyway��.

Aside from that, it was a good Sunday.

Codeman spent the day on his girlfriend�s parents boat. He got up in time to eat some breakfast before he left, but was gone from early this morning until just a few minutes ago.

Lease tried to increase her risk of skin cancer (sunbathing), and I did about 2 hours worth of garden tasks before it became too warm.

It never reached the level of uncomfortable. We managed to have a weekend without smothering humidity and heat. That�s a first in about 3 weeks.

We thought we might make it to the theater for a movie, but in the end decided to just enjoy a quiet day at home.

That�s as good as it gets, as far as I am concerned�.

I need to do a little more vacation planning, so I will sign off here.

I did get a bunch of great tips for things to do where we decided to go this August (bad run-on sentence�sorry). Since we will be visiting the home town of the best writers I know, I had to ask her for advice on where to stay and what to do..

It helps to have people who are that nice out there in Diaryland��.

Antique - Futuristic

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