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My Photographs

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1979 to 1980 - photos

The page with the photos on it�.

Since I have always been a photography nut, I have wanted to put a page on the Internet with some of my favorite shots. This will be the first page, but I hope to post more in the future.

To keep the download time down to a minimum, I will put a link at the bottom of this page to the next one (when I make one, that is).

The photos on this page were all taken in 1979 and 1980.

Yeah, a long time ago.

My cameras then were a 1954 Kodak Retinette 35mm , and a (then) new Minolta XG7 35mm.

Shutter speeds and aperture setting? Hard telling. I was partying a lot back then, so�..

The first two shots were not taken by me. The first one (originally in black and white) was taken by my friend Gary. The source of light is the dome light of my 1972 Camero. The photo was taken at night.

Yes, marijuana was involved, too�..

This photo was taken just before Lease and I were married at the county courthouse. Gary also shot this one.

We were much happier than we looked in the photo, but I thought you might enjoy laughing at my old hairstyle�..

The next few photos were taken with my dad�s old Kodak, using the �b� open shutter setting. I played around a lot with double and long exposures at the time, and these are a few of my favorites.

The one of the railroad track was taken at night. The shutter was open for about 10 minutes�.

Lease, with a neighborhood stray cat (we were just dating at this time)..

The yellow-eyed cat.

The last two require that you look a little closer, to see what I saw then�

This one is of my friend Gary, a large power pole, and a wide angle lens.

Thanks for looking. Leave me feedback, if you like�

Photo page 2 is located here

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