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Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2002 - 7:14 p.m.

A lazy entry, with so little time for other things�

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the last 6 days.

I know summer is supposed to be busy. I expect it.

But I have been trying to get so much done (country saying for this? �You gotta make hay while the sun is shining!�) that I haven�t had time to catch up on everyone else�s diaries. I will get that done tonight (I hope) after I post this entry.

In order to cheat a little, I am posting two items from this weeks issue of �This is True�. I highly recommend you get this free newsletter delivered into your email inbox every week. Go here, to sign up��.

From �This is True�, July 29th,2002:

Minnesota Department of Transportation workers were having trouble keeping track of drainage

ponds at highway interchanges, so state hydrologist Patrick McLarnon

gave them names to keep them all straight. The ponds at the Interstate

494/Highway 61 interchange in Newport are now named Bart, Barney,

Milhouse, Apu, Clancy Wiggum, Maggie, Itchy, Lenny, Quimby, Scratchy

and Seymour after characters on the animated TV show "The Simpsons".

Other areas sport ponds named after "Happy Days" characters or "Star

Wars" aliens. The names are official, and "just something fun" rather

than random numbers, McLarnon says. More are planned in the future, he

says, "Maybe 'South Park'." (AP)

Catherine Simpson, 11, of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, wanted to scan

"something different" into the family computer. "Why don't you try your

face?" suggested her brother, Thomas. "That is when I heard the

scream," says Catherine's mother, Sally. "I went to the study and

Catherine was standing there with the scanner hanging off her lip. I

did not know what to do." Actually, she did: she called the fire

brigade, which managed to free the girl from the computer peripheral.

"This is not something we've come across before," said a spokesman for

the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. "It's not a good

idea to put parts of your body into a computer scanner." (London

Telegraph) ..

One bit of garden news:

I harvested my red onions today. Both varieties were started from seed, and they turned out better than any other red onions I have grown in the past the varieties were Southport Red Globe and Red Wing, and new F1 hybrid.

I ended up with my 6-gallon bucket full of decent bulbs, and even though many of them were smaller than the other varieties of onions that I grow, the effort was worth it.

The only way to grow red onions (around here, anyway) is to start your plants from seed. They don�t have red onion plants for sale in the spring, and the places I buy from don�t even carry red onion �sets� anymore. That�s probably a good thing, because whatever variety they carried in the past would only grow to the size of a shooter marble. Considering that a �set� starts out the size of a regular marble, that was a waste of time.

Enough about onions.

I need to read my favorite�s diaries������

Antique - Futuristic

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