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Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 - 8:44 p.m.

Way too much time wasted, and much still left to do today, so�..

I had to run Codeman over to the high school tonight to get him registered for his final year of public education.

Hard to believe. Time really does fly.

Except when you are waiting in line to register you child at the high school. I didn�t want to burn up any more vacation time, which I would have had to do if I went during the daytime session.

The problem with the night session is most everyone waits until then to do the act.

So, wait. And wait.

Between that, and trying to return the wrong blank cds (that Noodles at work bought for me, to replace the ones I used to make him a couple of compilation discs before he retires- but that is another story) to Circumvent City (Uncle Bob is right- their customer service is crappy! Beyond crappy! I spent 40 minutes in line, just to exchange one package for another! Pathetic!)..oh, where was I�Oh yeah, I am running way behind tonight.

So I will just post a short, crappy entry.

As opposed to a long, crappy entry I guess�..

Since it rained almost every day here last week, and since it is mid-August, the weed grasses took over my garden at work.

I mean, there isn�t a single square inch of garden that doesn�t have a gangly stalk of foxtail, crab grass, or whatever else they call these noxious weeds.

I started pulling them today, but I will have to stay after work some night to do any harm to the mess.

Three of my five cantaloupes (that were nearing harvest when we left town) became over-ripe and rotted last week. The other two were starting to shrivel up, because their vines had died back.

I swear, growing melons is a waste of time and garden space for me. I rarely get anything worth eating, and I can just stop on a local street corner and buy a great melon for around $2 or $3 bucks anyway.

Why bother.

While away, a rare employee trade took place.

Pat, our old shop monkey, finally got his wish and was allowed to transfer to the county to the North. Since he lives 15 minutes from that storage (compared to 30 minutes from our storage), it makes sense. The guy we got in exchange for him (sorta like �the player to be named later� in sports) is a relatively new guy who was driving all the way to the North storage from the SOUTH end of our county every day, a trip of almost an hour.

Transferring these two made sense.

It only took the state 3 years to get it done.

And Pat will retire in November.


One last thing:

When Beavis walked into my toolroom this morning, I bolted upright out of my seat and almost ran out of the room.


His left eye was so filled with blood; there was no longer any �white� to his eye.

I mean, his eye was so red it looked like someone took a red Sharpie� and filled in everything but the pupil.

Fuckin� Terminator 1 Arnold Schwarznegger red-eye freak!

He explained to me that his doctor told him that he had a burst blood vessel, that it didn�t effect his vision, and that he doesn�t even know it�s there unless he looks into a mirror.

That�s funny- I thought vampires couldn�t see their own reflections?

He said he had fun with it a church yesterday, turning around and freakin� out the young ones sitting behind him.

If he pulled that on my 4 year old, I think I would have to make his other eye match the bad one���.

Antique - Futuristic

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