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Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 - 9:26 p.m.

Damn, I hate ladders!�.

Yeah, I went ahead and started the �Second Floor of Casa Roadiepig Painting Project� tonight.

Here was my plan:

I wanted to paint all the white trim, both front and back, so that it would have time to dry before I started on the black paint tomorrow. Since there is only a small amount of white area to paint, I figured I would get it all after work tonight.

The only thing I didn�t add to the equation?

The heavy muthafuka (Word� changed the word Mother Fucker to muthafuka- how crazy is that?) of a ladder wore me out!

How, you ask?

Well, the ladder that Mikey loaned me is so tall, I can almost paint the entire second floor with JUST ONE SECTION!

I think you could reach the top of the tallest barn in Bumfuck with this beast.

It is made of aluminum, but that doesn�t mean anything. It is a heavy-duty ladder, designed for commercial use. It could hold both Codeman and me with no problem.

This combination makes for a very steady, easy to paint from ladder.

It also makes for a very hard to move ladder.

I figured out pretty quickly that I should just do the whole front tonight, instead of dragging it around to the back to stick with the white paint.

I started from the left side of the house, and did all the trim starting there and heading right.

The first time I walk up a tall ladder, I freeze up at least once. The left side of the house has slightly slanted terrain, due to my flowerbeds. I had to play around with the setting until I had it on solid ground.

I have a philosophy about heights:

I am not afraid of heights.

I am afraid of FALLING from heights

Pretty simple, huh?

The problem with this setup is I ended up with the ladder at a less-steep angle than I like. Whenever you climb up a ladder that isn�t basically straight up (about a 70-80� angle is best), the thing shakes like an old alcoholic with every step you take.

This has a way of taking the strength out of my legs, for some silly reason.

By the time I had made it all the way right, I decided to crack out the black paint and work my way back to where I started. I just couldn�t see dragging that heavy ladder around more than I had to.

By the time I finished the black painting, I was dehydrated and completely week in the knees.

But, you know what?

I have exactly � of the painting project done!

I will do the same to the back of the house tomorrow.

But one thing will be different: I did the front in about 3 hours, and finished just before the sun set in the horizon. And I did this after putting in a full day at work today (stop laughing!)


I will turn the alarm clock off.

I will wake up when Codeman gets up for his school day, about 2 hours later than my wake-up time.

I will pace myself much better than I did today.

And I will take numerous breaks. I think I have some weeds that need pulled in my garden beds.

That doesn�t require me to drag my height-impaired ass up the ladder�..

Still miss my Lease.

I tried to sleep on her side of the bed (a recommendation from Strangerlucy. That might have helped some, because I slept straight through last night.

That doesn�t mean I don�t miss her, though.

I called her last night late (around 11 pm their time) , and she was not in great shape. She had spent a little time in the hotel bar with her coworker Crystal, and all that did was make them even more homesick. I tried my best to get her in a better mood, but the combination of homesickness and Miller Lite� was too strong. By the time I told her good night, she had gone through way too many emotions. I will call her as soon as I post this entry, hoping she had a better day today.

She left a message on the answering machine around 6 p.m. tonight, but I was on the death-ladder at the time.

I have replayed the message several times since I came inside, just to hear her voice.

Yeah, I am pathetic.

So sue me��..

Antique - Futuristic

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