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Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 - 7:47 p.m.

Photos, just like I promised�. And my last day of work with Whitey..

Yeah, today is the last day I will spend at work with Whitey.

For all of us, a very sad yet joyous day. Every time one of the long-time employees retire, it�s like loosing a member of the family.

Yes, I will still stop by his house now and then. I still plan on starting many of the plants that always grow so well in his vegetable garden. I�m sure I will stop by to share my extra salsa and such. He might even stop by the storage now and then to see how everyone is doing.

But that�s not the same as conversing, interacting, and learning from someone on a daily basis.

Those days with the best all-around handyman I have been privileged to know are now over.

It sucks for me (and all the rest of his co-workers).

But it�s great for him. With full retirement at 62, he will now be taking home more money than he did while working.

Good for him, I say.

Only 14 more years for me to be in the same boat���.

Since I have a ton of work to do tonight (Codeman and I will be camping tomorrow and part of Saturday), I will just cut the writing short and show you some photos from today:

The first one is of Whitey�s head.

Why, you ask?

Well, I just wanted you to get the reason why he is (and has always been since I started there over 20 years ago) known as Whitey:

See? His nickname has nothing to do with anything racial.

He has been white haired since the late 1970�s.

Whitey, see?

The second shot is of Whitey holding his decorated cake. We were real happy with how it turned out. Sam�s Wholesale Club made it for us, and it tasted as good as it looked:

Yes, there is a pair of Channel-Lock� type pliers on the cake. He always carries one of these handy tools in a holster on his belt. On most days he uses them at least a few times to tighten nuts, rip something up, or pound something into submission. I thought he would like to leave with a brand new pair. I figure he has many more years to tinker with things. Might as well do it with style.

I took this photo with the timer on my digital camera. It cracked me up at the time, but in hindsight it�s not that special. It was taken right after we all fed our faces with large slices of cake and scoops of ice cream:

I guess he looks a little sleepy in this shot.

And yes, we do have far too many memos posted on our bulletin boards.

Don�t forget: we do work in a government facility.

You all know how much the government loves paperwork�.

The last two shots are from my garden at work. The air was heavy with condensation this morning, covering everything with a heavy layer of dew. If it had been about 15 degrees cooler, the garden would have been frosted heavily:

Like I have mentioned before, my garden at work is all about food production. It�s just a simple straight bed 7-8 foot wide and about 75 foot long.

It will not appear in Better Homes and Gardens� anytime in the future�

This photo is of the nice bunch of French Breakfast radishes I pulled for Lease this morning. I have continued to sow and harvest enough radishes all summer and fall to provide her with plenty for her lunchtime eating. This variety is my favorite, because it is slow to bolt to seed and keeps it�s sweet flavor well in hot weather:

I really don�t like radishes, but I do eat some of these.

So, that�s it for the day.

Tomorrow, Codeman and I attempt to catch a few fish at the big impoundment south of our hometown.

It will mark the first time I have been there since last winter. Because of all of the flooding we have suffered this spring and summer, it hasn�t been accessible since very early spring.

It�s now at normal pool.

We just hope that all the fish that were ignored during the high water are biting tomorrow.

If not, we still have a pack of hot dogs for our supper.


Wish us luck���.

Antique - Futuristic

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