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Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 - 2:58 p.m.

Time to kill, so a quickie�.

(Note: This entry was originally written on Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 2:15 p.m. Since my Internet connection was down all day yesterday, and didn�t come back on until this afternoon, October 11th, I will cheat and post it with yesterday�s date and time. Cheating? Yes. Does anybody mind ? I doubt it. Tell me if you do�.)

No, not the good type of quickie. A quick entry kind of quickie.

Sorry if you were hoping for sex.

None here.

At least not now. It�s 2:15 pm.

Lease is at work. I am getting read to go to the doctors for my 6-month checkup. This is with my regular internal medicine doctor, not the violent stomach specialist.

The fact that I take blood pressure medicine daily means I have to have my readings taken (always high at his office) and my blood drawn. I think that is to make sure my kidneys are functioning properly.

That, or so he can get a little more money out of my insurance company and me��

I found out today that our new computer will be installed at work sometime tomorrow. At that time, they will rip out the 17-year-old MMI system. Until some of us take �classes� on how to operate a �personal-type Computer�, we will not be allowed to even turn the unit on.

Since the router was installed at the storage back in June (I think- my internet connection is down again as I am typing this), that would mean it only took the I.T. people about 5 months to get around to setting us up.

Pretty fast, for government work��

Tink decided to clean the old MMI�s keyboard last week.

That was a mistake for several reasons:

1. Cleaning isn�t his job. It�s mine.

2. He decided to use spray foam cleaner to make it clean. He said the keys were getting grimy, and he wanted to make them sparkly clean.

3. Did I mention he used foam cleaner? And that �wet� and �electronic circuits� don�t get along well together?

Whenever I see that they keys are getting a little gummy, I use a electronic terminal cleaner to remove the grime. It evaporates very quickly, and doesn�t effect the contacts.

Yesterday, Eric the Shop Monkey asked me if I noticed anything wrong with the keyboard. I hadn�t, so he told me that the number 1 on the numeric pad wasn�t working.

I found out what he was talking about this morning. I had a few bills to enter into the MMI, and sure enough the number 1 was dead. I had to use the numbers located above the letter keys to enter. No big deal, but mildly annoying because of the hunt and peck needed to input.

I popped the 1 off of the numeric pad, and I used a piece of bailing wire, some cloth, (nothing if not resourceful, due to the budget shortfall) along with the terminal cleaner to remove a layer of goop that had formed on the contact.

It was working when I left work today, so that�s all that matters.

By this time tomorrow, we won�t have the old MMI to kick around any more����.


And just think- he might be the next full-time Mohall #1�����

Antique - Futuristic

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