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Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002 - 5:23 p.m.

Tonight�s the night of Lease�s exciting office �Holiday Party�. Woohoo! (insert more fake enthusiasm)�.plus new photos of Mrs. Whipple ( and the infamous Anti-Quisp, too)�

Yeah, we are headed out to the Cableco �Holiday Party� in just a few minutes.

Lease and I attend these for two reason:

Free (good) food (with two drinks included!).

Because they expect everyone to show up.

This yearly ritual has become harder to stomach as the years go by. When she first started working at Cableco, 7 years ago, they not only feed us, but also gave out tons of door prizes, just for your attendance. Several people walked out with gift certificates to the local mall, or tickets to an NHL game. One time, they even gave out a big-screen TV.

Even if you didn�t win one of the big prizes, you still walked out of the restaurant with a new HBO sweatshirt or some other trinket. Back then, I had a closet full of �Oz� and �Cinemax After Dark� t-shirts to wear to work.

The Cableco has switched owners THREE TIMES in that 7 year span. The group that owns them now is very �worker friendly�, but has a very small entertainment budget.

They don�t even provide money for the �Holiday Party�. The man who is the local general manager antes up the money for the spread. He is a transplanted New Yorker, and he is a very nice man to work for , according to Lease.

She thinks it would be disrespectful to stay home, with him spending his own money for the evening.

So do I�.

Back when Lease worked at the local Southwestern restaurant, the Christmas party (that�s what they called it back then) was another story altogether.


Several reasons. The average age of the employee there was in their mid-20�s. The restaurant paid for food and all the beer or liquor you wanted to consume.

The owner of the restaurant was relatively young, too. He went all out, and made sure everybody had a great time.

One more thing- Lease had many people that worked with her that she considered �friends�. She still visits with them, and bumping into one at the mall is good for 30 minutes of catching up.

The women she works with now?

Lets� just say many of them are not the kind of people who make �friends� very well. Several of them are quite nasty people, bitter and angry all the time.

If you have to spend 40 hours a week around this kind of person (I think you know what type of co-worker I mean, Joleen ), the last thing you want to do is spend you time off around them, too.

Oh well, the party is at one of the few upscale restaurants in town. We will get a good meal out of the evening, anyway�..

I finally found time to swing by Zackal�s house (or, as he signs my g-book, the Anti-Quisp) to take some digital photos of his green iguana, Mrs. Whipple. Every tiem I stop by, she has grown a little more. She is really a very tame lizard, considering I was sticking a camera in her face and using a flash.

I ran around this morning, delivering the baked goods that Lease made yesterday to the 13 people she had on her week 1 list. I stopped by Bug�s house, to see how he is coming along on his rehabilitation from the horrible truck accident he was in a few weeks back (he is doing better), and Zackal�s house was the last stop on the list.

This first photo shows both of them in a nice �light�:

He wears the leather gloves to protect his arms from her sharp claws. Since they are there to help her climb the trunks of trees, they could do a little damage if he didn�t protect himself.

In this next shot, Zackal looked her in the face to get her to throw out her dewlap (the area of loose skin below her chin). Male iguanas do this to intimidate other males. I think females do it mainly as a way to show alarm or to appear larger to their prey (if I am wrong about this, somebody let me know):

I think this photo really shows her vivid coloration well:

By this time, I think she was a little tired of me taking her picture. She raised her tail high, and I thought she might be ready to use it if I took another photo. When she did that, I put the camera up.

I didn�t want to annoy her any more.

I hung around for about another hour (or the entire first half of the Illini-Arkansas college basketball game) trying to help him clear up a couple of glitches on his computer.

I wasn�t much help. I am not trained on these contraptions, but I tried to figure it out anyway. He has an error message that pops up when he starts his computer up (�Please turn off computer, install the NIC, and then reboot your computer�), and he can�t open any new applications because of another error message (�Another program is attempting to install. Please wait until it finishes before proceeding�) .

I couldn�t figure out how to solve either problem.

I think I worded them correctly above. I posted them here in my �journal�, hoping one of you kind people can explain to me what is going on with his computer��.

Generous praise will be posted here tomorrow, if anybody can figure this glitch out for him��

Antique - Futuristic

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