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Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 - 10:26 p.m.

I love the �holiday� season, but too many people makes Roadiepig a grouchy wreck�.

Very busy day today.

How so, you might ask?

We had three major tasks to complete today.

1.Delivery of Lease�s cookies and such.

2. Trying to buy Christmas gifts for each other (we finished everyone else last pay period. Lease and I had limited money to spend, after all of our home repairs recently, but still�)

3.Weekly Wallyworld run for groceries.

That is just too damn much running for a summer weekend.

(Yeah, I know- it�s winter. Play along here with me.)

Trying to get all three of the tasks done with every other person in town hitting the shopping areas made for a miserable day.


Let me tell ya�.

Running the cookies out wasn�t a problem. We managed to deliver all of the trays Lease put together between the hours of 8 am and 1 pm. Not bad, considering that meant 9 different stops. You want to take the time to visit with each person, and we did a pretty good job of it by the time we finished the runs.

It�s always nice to catch up with friends we don�t see often enough any more. One of the things that happens with age is you just don�t have the time to visit with our friends like we used to. Almost all of our friends have grown children, and our jobs take even more time away from our ability to visit each other. This is one of the few times we can set aside to just sit and talk like we used to, years ago. We were able to catch up with several people that we haven�t had the chance to be with recently, and spread a little holiday cheer in the process.

Spread a few calories, too�.

Mall shopping this time of year is for the birds.

I managed to pick up most of Lease�s Christmas gifts (I still need a few stocking stuffers, which are small items here in Roadiepigland) today in the 1 � hour we set aside for shopping for each other. I know what size clothing she wears, so that speeds things up a little.

I also bought her something she told me not to buy (but she will love anyway- I hope). I know it�s something she wanted, and I will take my chances. I told her she could spend a little more on me, if that made us even. That way, we will be like most other Mohall residents- in debt for the first 6 months of the coming year.

It�s not like the furnace and the water heater didn�t push us that way in the first place�.

How bad was the crowds today?

I wanted to stop at the local Circuit City to pick up a cd for Codeman�s stocking.

We were there around 2 pm.

I dropped Lease at the door, and then went to park the car.

I couldn�t find a spot in the entire parking lot!

None! In a lot that holds around 100 cars!

I ended up parking in the �loading area only� spot.

People continued circling the parking area, looking for a driver leaving the lot. I�m sure they thought I was an asshole for parking in the �loading� area, but I didn�t stay there long. I found out that the cd I wanted to buy him doesn�t come out until next Tuesday. It was a wasted stop.

We were back to the car in 2 minutes, tops.

Someone else pulled in right after I left, so I wasn�t the only one who gave up�.

Wallyworld was a nightmare.

We still had to get out weekly supplies.

I wish we could have waited until after work on Monday.

I ended up parking about 5 miles form the store, in the parking lot for the fabric store.

People inside Wallyworld were nuts! I can�t tell you how many times somebody ran over my foot or bumped into me. Nobody even said �Sorry�.

By the time we left, I was ready to call it a day. It was 5 pm, a full 9 hours after we began our errand running this morning.

That was enough.

The good news?

I am virtually done with my holiday shopping.

A few groceries next weekend, and that�s it.

I won�t be picking them up next Saturday, I can assure you of that��

Antique - Futuristic

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