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Bruce Springsteen - "The Rising" (2002 - Columbia Records) a bargain pickup ($2.50!), and a great "Boss" album

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Sunday, May. 18, 2003 - 7:32 p.m.

The vacation comes to its end, and we have to get back �on schedule��plus- who is the man named "Bud" that is on a first name basis with Codeman's coach?......

Yeah, our weeklong stay-at-home-vacation is over.

We both have to go back to work tomorrow.


I could get used to this. I guess this is what retirement is like- you just putter around the house, do inexpensive things to keep yourself busy (fishing, painting shelves, etc�).

I don�t think we have risen from bed before 8 am (at the earliest) in the last 9 days.

All that ends tomorrow at 5:30 am.

Shit again!

Oh well�. we did get several jobs accomplished this week.

We even had time to catch a few fish.

Not a bad week away from work.

When you consider that Lease will be commuting to Springpatch in less than 2 weeks, and the hot weather will be making my job less comfortable around the same time, this was a nice diversion to takes us to that point.

I have posted very long entries for the past two nights (both Friday and Saturday), so I will give you a break and keep this one short and to the point:

The Coach didn�t bother calling the scores in from yesterday�s game.

In the 4 years that Codeman has played for Mac, the only time he has done this was for Friday and Saturday�s games.

I don�t think that this is because he didn�t want to give my boy some credit because of the good job he did in these games.

No, I tend to believe it has more to do with a man called Budweiser, and his effect on the coach. He probably had the phone in his hand, ready to dial the number, when Bud whispered in his ears, �You don�t wanna do that! I have a bunch of my cold friends in the next room, just waiting on you to invite them in to play! Who cares whether the people of Mohall find out about the baseball games- do you really think anyone cares that Codeman went 2-3 , having the best game he has had all season? Fuck them all! My fiends are just waiting for you to open up and let them in!�.

At least, that�s how I think it went�

You will be glad to know that the score for the Chola (population 175) gave versus Renville (population 240) was 5-4.

The coach from Chola found the time to call the paper.

Maybe he isn�t on a first name basis with Bud�.

Don�t get me wrong- I am not bitter about this slight towards my son.

I just think it reinforces what I have tried to convey here all season long: the coach doesn�t want to be proven wrong about not playing my son.

If my rough figures are right, Codeman is batting around .300 right now.

Not bad, for a bench player.

The other 13 players on the team have a composite batting average around .200. Of the 8 �starters�, two or three are batting over .300.

When the state playoffs start, each team has to send the NDHSA a team statistics page. It contains the batting, fielding, and pitching stats for each member of the team.

You bet I can�t wait to see what he submits concerning my boy�..

Today was a day to slowly unwind. I pulled a few weeds, I planted some seeds (pole beans- 4 kinds, and radishes, cucumbers, and lettuce), and poured a little Miracle Grow� on the plants already growing in the garden.

I also sprayed fungicide on my tomatoes. I usually don�t have to do this until mid-June, but it has been so wet here recently the bottom leaves were already turning yellow, and were spotted with what I think is early blight.

It only took a little time and work, so it still qualifies as unwinding.

We had a great supper tonight (grilled steak, mashed potatoes, and homemade bread).

And now?

I have already spent more time typing this than I planned (and kept you here long than I promised, too ;)

Better sign off now.

Later, friends����..

Antique - Futuristic

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