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Monday, May. 19, 2003 - 8:29 p.m.

(Note to Codeman�s baseball coach)-A lame excuse is NOT better than no excuse at all�.plus- nodding off during the yearly �Mowing� meeting is to be expected, after 9 days off�..

Codeman told us tonight why �Weebles� the baseball coach didn�t get the scores for this weekend�s baseball games called into the local newspaper.

You sittin� down? Of course you are- you are reading this on the Internet, right?

Ready for his excuse?

O.K.- here it is:

His phone was dead.

Um, yeah sure it was.

Let me add here that this man is the ATHLETIC DIRECTOR for our large high school. I think he would want to have it fixed rather quickly, if he wants to keep up on any changes to the sporting events that involve his student/athletes (not just baseball, but girl�s soccer, softball, and track and field in the spring season)

First problem with his excuse is that he has both a cell phone, and a hard-line home phone.

I guess both of them could be dead. Maybe he forgot to pay the bills on each of them?

No, he just didn�t feel like calling them in, that�s all. On Friday, I imagine he didn�t get home early enough to place the call. On Saturday, his team lost by the worst score I can remember, and his favorite �pet� was the loosing pitcher (2/3rd of an inning pitched, 9 runs earned, 3 home runs given up).

He could have called in the scores if he wanted to, even if his phones were dead.

I imagine the pub he frequents had a phone that works, don�t they?

And no, Codeman didn�t bring the subject up with the coach.

Another player did.

The junior who did has played outfield in almost every game this spring, but never gets to step up to the plate. He has been the victim of the coach�s �always have a designated hitter batting for a week-hitting outfielder� philosophy.

Not that the guys he has used as D.H. most of this year have hit much (Codeman excepted). I don�t think the other two he uses this way are hitting much over .200 in that role.

The kid who never gets to bat went 1-1 in the second game Saturday, and knew he would finally get mentioned in the paper (we only had 4 hits altogether, after all).

Nope. The coach decides he didn�t feel like calling the scores in.

I think it�s more important to the coach to protect his �pets�. If, in any other game one of them goes 1-4 with a single; they get mentioned in the paper. Since they didn�t play too well on Saturday, he just blew off his responsibility, that�s all.

Five more games this week.

One make-up game next week, and then round one of the playoffs that Saturday.

The season will be over soon (and with it, Codeman�s high school baseball career).

I never thought I would get to this point, but I have: I am looking forward to that final loss�.

I managed to get it with the alarm this morning, and drug myself into the storage to resume my life sentence (or, �job�, as some would call it).

Nine days away from work left me with:

1.Grass that hadn�t been cut in more than 10 days througout the storage (enough to bog down the lawn and garden John Deere we use for the task).

2.A lush, green garden plot. Too bad much of the lush green were weeds. I might get them all pulled by Friday, if I work on it every day in my free time.

3.Radishes the size of turnips (no, they aren�t worth eating- most are hollow and pithy on the inside).

4.Paperwork from Hell. Budget calculating left on hold for a full week left me 3 hours of posting, calculating, and bill-paying. Someone in London also shuffled the allocations around while I was gone, and neglected sending me an email explaining what went where. I still haven�t gotten a straight answer from anyone over there on what is what.

Oh yeah- the offices, breakroom, and restrooms weren�t cleaned at all last week. Not that I expected anyone to do that, but it is amazing how much filth builds up in 5 workdays.

I didn�t clean anything today. Too much higher-priority stuff filled my day.

Included in the higher-priority stuff was our yearly �Mowers� meeting at 3 pm.

Why I have to sit in on this I don�t know. I won�t get behind the wheel of anything that mows outside of the storage�s gate this summer. Just like the last 3, since I took over in the toolroom.

I did o.k. , trying my bets to pay attention at this meeting. But when Beavis spent about 15 minutes explaining where we could and couldn�t mow, my mind shut down. I only woke up because my head did that �fall back and snap forward in a violent manner� thing.

The only good thing about my dozing off for a few seconds? I wasn�t the only one struggling to stay awake. From looking around, I noticed at least 3 other employees with heavy eyelids.

And one of them was our local field engineer���

Antique - Futuristic

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