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Friday, Jul. 04, 2003 - 11:59 p.m.

Happy Tax Freedom Day!�.Oh wait, that�s not what today is, is it?

I was a little confused there for a second. When I heard someone on the morning news say �Happy Independence Day!�, I thought they meant today was the day that we finally stop working to pay the government, and start working for ourselves.

You know- since it is about halfway through the year, that would mean that we had finally paid the 50% or so of our income it takes to pay for bombs, food stamps, and scientific studies on the reproductive habits of prairie dogs in central Arizona.

Oh well- any holiday that include family cookouts and blowing things up is fine by me�

The squirrels returned to my backyard today.

Not nearly as anticipated as the swallows returning to Capistrano, but just as predictable.

I found three peaches partially eaten on the ground below my early tree yesterday afternoon. No sigh of the tree rats, but evidence that they had found the greener-than-a-gourd fruits.

My apricot tree had set its first real crop of fruit this spring, and I was afraid they tree rats would return in time to devour all of the crop before it ripened. I filled a large Tupperware� bowl (no-no longer available at Target). Somehow, the scent of apricot nectar hadn�t reached them until today.

Hang on�..someone is at the door�








I�m back��It was Zackal. He stopped by to share his Cherry Bomb Ale that he home-brewed.

It was very good. Sipping beer at its best. Somewhat sweet, but very high in alcohol none the less. We split 5 bottles over two hours, so no problem in either of us being overly intoxicated.

Where was I?

Oh yeah�the apricot crop in peril�

I noticed a couple of partly eaten apricots on the ground. This tree is all of 7 feet tall, so if they eat even a little of the fruit, they do damage to my harvest.

Where were the tree rats?

In the peach tree, looking down on me. I noticed them when one of them started squawking at me. I guess it pissed them off, interrupting their free meal.

I shooed them off (my bb gun is out of CO2, or I would have given them extra incentive to leave my property).

I then attached a 5-gallon bucket to my belt, and I harvested almost all of the ripe and near ripe fruit form the apricot tree. I left a few very green fruit on the tree, just to see how long they last until the squirrels find the,

No, I don�t expect to get any peaches from me trees this year. I can always pick up great fruit from the downtown farmer�s market.

I just have to decide if I want to feed tree rats, or if I want to cut the trees down rather than aid them in their life of crime.

Right now, I am leaning towards the removal of my spindly peach trees. Why watch the small crop be raided every summer?

It is either that, or I buy a more powerful pellet gun.

I would buy a .22, but I do live within city limits.

Don�t wanna have to go to court because of the death of tree rats�..

Antique - Futuristic

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