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Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 - 5:17 p.m.

Changes in the way I do my job�plus-peaches to be processed tomorrow�

Yeah, I know- nothing is much more boring than someone talking about what they do at their job.

I�ll try to keep this short for that reason (editors note- I didn�t. Sorry. Skip over the first section and head down to the fruit fetish link, if you find your eyes glazing over)�.

The changes that I told you might happen in how I purchase for the other counties have come to pass. SOMEBODY (I have my ideas, but I will play along like I don�t know who) decided that they weren�t getting their fair share of the allocated money in our 5 county area. They couldn�t understand why the Mohall storage (that�s me) was given almost 50% of all commodity money, when we only had around 40% of the roads. These two individuals then started whining to their techs about how their slice of the chocolate cake was smaller than my slice, and they wanted to take a portion of mine to make things all better for them.

Boo. Hoo.

Well, Doughnut decided to give them their way. From now on, they get exactly the percentage of our money for the amount of road miles that they have in their counties. That meant that a grand total of 8% of the total commodities money was divided up between the other 4 counties.

I hope that fact brought a smile to their faces. Because I think that they will want things back the way they were, once a year or so goes by.

Here�s why:

I always placed the commodity orders for the other counties. I called up their supply person, asked them to tell me what they needed, and then added their orders to my order. I ALWAYS order MORE than we need here at Mohall. That way, if someone makes a mistake in their ordering, or if they have a run on paper towels or ear plugs or something else, I have enough here to give them more until the next order is placed.

Pretty simple system, right?

Only one storage has to keep an inventory record (that would be me). Only one storage has to supply this extra to the other storages (ditto).

When I was originally presented with the other�s complaints, I did a little math on a few of the orders I placed last year. In almost every case, the other counties ordered MORE than their �share� of the money�s worth of supplies. I then gave out my stock to the other counties at a rate of around 15% of my total order.

See where this is going?

I won�t have to worry about their supplies anymore, once I place their order. They have to buy what they need, and if they run out? They are shit-out-of-luck. I won�t be giving them anything out of my stock, because my stock will be for Mohall only.

They will now have to keep a ledger, so they don�t spend all of their money before the last orders are placed each year. On many of these items, you can only place an order once a year. After that, the seller won�t honor the prices for small quantities. That means the other county will have to buy the short supply from the local hardware store, at a much higher price. The taxpayer will pick up the added cost.

If they run out of money before the year ends? They will have to bum some money from another part of their budget. That is, if their tech will let them.

Five stockpiles instead of just one. Five inventories to track usage. Five times the paperwork.

I bet they didn�t think about that when they started moaning, did they?

In the end, they will get less than they used to, and will have to have someone in each storage constantly working on their supplies. My job won�t be that much easier, because I will still have to work on their orders, and help them figure out what they need. I just won�t have to worry about their portion of the allocated money anymore, that�s all.

If ever there was a textbook case for the following saying:

�Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it�.

A link for you: Becky�s Banana Stickers Web Site

Yeah, just what it sounds like- a woman with the most complete collection of stickers slapped on bananas that you will ever see.

She has a fetish for asparagus and broccoli wrappers, too, but I think that the banana stickers are her life.

She will even trade with you her extras, if you also have a case of this particular obsessive-compulsive disorder���..

There were several more peaches on the ground below my tree when I came home form work tonight. Only a couple had tree rat teeth marks on them. The rest had fallen because they were either ripe, or had some insect damage that cause the fruit to drop.

I decided to see how many of my peaches were ripe enough to pick.

In case you wonder how this delicate job is done, I will tell you: you put your thumb and first finger on opposite sides of each peach, and you gently push in. If there is no give at all, wait a few more days and check them again. If the fruit gives a little, it is getting real close. If either finger squishes all the way in, you waited far too long to pick your fruit.

And you don�t have any tree rats, because they won�t let your fruit get that ripe.

I found enough �close� peaches tonight to completely fill a 5-gallon bucket.

I didn�t even dent what is hanging on the tree.

Tomorrow, I will make the freshly picked peaches into mild salsa. There should be enough there to process at least 12 pints.

I will process the next batch into canned peaches in light syrup.

After that? Don�t know. Might give a few away to friends and family.

I know I will probably be tired of eating them by that time��.

Antique - Futuristic

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