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The Exies - "Inertia" (2002- Virgin Records) "My Goddess" got the airplay, but the whole album is good.....

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Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 - 8:28 p.m.

Quick and painless trip to the doc (well, except for the two vials of blood they drew), plus enough time to process a bunch of cukes, too�.

How�s this for a first? My appointment at the doctors was set for 3:20. I was in the waiting room at 3:15, and called into the secret chamber in the back at exactly 3:20.

That never happens at the doctor�s office, does it?

After the side trip to the scales (same weight as last October, so that�s not too bad I guess), I was taken to one of the exam rooms by his nurse. She slapped the big cuff onto my arm, read me blood pressure, and decided to test it again.


Because she came up with some astronomical reading like 160/110.

No way. I am always stressed at the doc�s, but I had just read my b.p. last night, and it was only 145/84. Not great, but not too high, either.

She came up with a more reasonable 150/88 the second time. Much better.

At about the same time she finished my reading, Doc Smith poked his head into the room. 3:22, and he was already to see me? Unreal!

Turns out he had a reason for being so punctual: he had an �observer� with him today. This young woman (visualize a just-out-of-a-Big-Ten-college-cheerleader/science major type, with a salesman�s smile) was from a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, and was there to observe how my doctor treated his patients with (ready for this?) acid reflux disease.

Now it all makes sense- being right on time, asking me if I could please come on this day at the time they came up with, even though I didn�t need to get my prescriptions refilled until late in the month. He wanted me there for this rep.

I sorta felt like a Guinea pig. We did our usual �How�s your symptoms? Anything new I should know about?� routine, and I got the answers I wanted from him on the various meds I consume everyday. I brought up to him what I had read about my reflux medication (how my insurance is planning on upping my co-pay on Previcid, because Prilosec is being made over-the-counter sometime this fall), and he said he would sign any papers that my insurer required to keep me on the Previcid.

This is where the rep couldn�t keep quiet any longer (she was supposed to be an �observer�, not a �salesman�), and asked Doc Smith why he hasn�t tried me out on the drug HER company makes for acid reflux (whose name slips my mind right now) She mentioned how her company�s product gives just as good results, but costs much less (I imagine it costs less because her company doesn�t buy millions of dollars worth of commercials like the two P�s do, but I guess she would have to ask to find out).

This comment went unacknowledged by my Doc. He asked me if I wanted to switch to the generic equivalency of Prilosec, which I declined because Previcid works better than any other drug I have tried.

With that, the sales rep actually gave my Doc a little pout.

Strange stuff indeed.

He decided to try a slightly different drug for my high blood pressure (14 day trial for free, to see if I have any problems with it), and sent me on my way.

While I waited fro Doc to bring me my free samples, the rep asked me what it feels like to have acid reflux on a daily basis (pre-planned question? Silly question? You decide).

I told her how it sucks to wake up at 3 am with fire in your mouth. How the meds usually keep things under control, but how some days are miserable. She asked me if they had done anything besides give me meds, and I told her about the scooping I took last spring, and how it showed no major problems.

At that point, my Doc showed up with the samples. I thanked him again, and quickly left for the lab (have to draw blood to make sure the meds aren�t messing my body up too much).

I don�t know what to make of the whole appointment. I didn�t mind the rep�s presence, but then again I wasn�t stripped to my underwear, either. Her questions weren�t too out of line, but I am still confused about what her purpose was for being there. Research? Sales pitch to the doctor?

I don�t know, but I really didn�t mind her presence. I figure that kept the tiem I spent waiting to the bare minimum.

I was out the door before 4 pm. I can�t remember the last time I was in and out in less than an hour�..

I came home, and of course I fired up the water bath canner again.

Tonight was sweet pickled cucumbers. 16 wide mouth pints worth of them, enough for two canners full.

New Mike brought in more cukes today. He said he thought I could use them. I thought I had plenty with the large grocery bag full he gave me yesterday, along with the few I picked in my garden last night.

Turns out it was a good thing he brought me the extras. A few of the ones he gave me yesterday were past their prime. Spongy and seedy, they ended up in the compost pile instead of canning jars.

I was done in plenty of time to throw together a spaghetti supper for Lease and I.

Yes, all of this canning is wearing me down. I still have the tomato salsa to cook and can tomorrow, and the grapes aren�t going anywhere fast.

As opposed to what�s left of my peaches. Another 10 or so on the ground again tonight.

I picked half a 5-gallon bucket to take to work tomorrow for the guys. I don�t want to pick any more until Thursday night. That way, I won�t have to can them up until sometime Saturday.

Be nice to have at least one day away from the hot stove and boiling water this week����

Antique - Futuristic

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