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Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 - 8:36 p.m.

A fortune cookie, possible written by Beavis, more insults from upper management, and a day without canning anything�

(I think San-D will get this one�)

I decided I didn�t want to even get near the stove tonight (4 of the last 5 days have been spent canning something from the harvest), and Lease was up for a meal out too, so we headed to Mongolian Gardens for an �Americanized� Chinese buffet dinner.

The seafood was especially fresh tonight, and Lease said her favorite (Black pepper chicken) was as good as it ever gets.

After consuming far too much food (hey, it�s not like I do this every day, and I don�t have to get on my Doc�s scale tomorrow either) , the waiter brought us our check, along with the requisite fortune cookies wrapped in cellophane.

Lease always opens her cookie first, and then shows me the fortune. Hers was something poorly translated about dreams to be follower by good person (or something like that).

And then I opened mine. This it what it read:

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

This totally cracked me up.


Because it reminded me of my all time favorite work evaluation comment, written by Beavis a few years back. I wrote about it here, but if you don�t wanna bother with the link, he wrote the following because I left work one day during the proceeding year 30 seconds early, according to his watch:

�Roadiepig needs to work at working during working hours�

Yup- the fortune had to be written by Beavis, too�.

Speaking of my wonderful workplace, the people that the new Little Man/Governor has installed in upper management continue to insult every state of North Dakota employee in newspaper interviews and state employee meetings on a daily basis.

Two cases of point:

1.In an interview in the state capitol�s biggest newspaper, the question of having more early retirements to help balance the budget was brought up to one of little man�s deputy governors (a new position that little man created, to give some of his best buds jobs). The reporter asked Deputy dog ,�wouldn�t this bring about another �brain drain� like last year early out, caused by the loss of so many experienced employees last winter?�

Deputy dog replied,� Fears of that were unfounded. Not at all. If you went through the entire state government, I�m sure you could pick some areas here or there where A good person has left. All in all, I don�t know that there isn�t room for more early retirements�.

Nice, huh? If that isn�t a slap in the face of the many hard working employees who put in up to 30 years of service, making the state run, I don�t know what it is.

�A� employee, here and there?

I don�t know about the health and human services department, but in our storage alone we lost many very important persons. In some cases, their replacements haven�t been stellar performers (one or two, anyway).

The funny thing about this insult is that many of the people who were eligible and took the early out were from the same political party as Little Man, the new governor!

So I guess the Deputy was saying the people previously hired by his party weren�t good employees, eh?

2. In a private employee meeting in Springpatch last week, another Deputy (this one, a deputy transportation director) was addressing a large gathering of middle and lower technical support people for NDDOT. Someone brought up the morale, which is very low right now due to huge budget cuts and the loss of those unnecessary employees who retired last fall and winter. The person who asked the question wanted to know what management could do to help bring the workforce�s level of satisfaction with their job back up to productive levels.

His response?

�If you want to have fun at work, go get a job at Disneyland. You job is to make sure the roads are open and in good repair. It is not to have fun on the taxpayers dollar!�

What the fuck?

That isn�t what the employee asked, is it? If this deputy doesn�t understand how down most of the state�s remaining staff feel right now, his answer didn�t do anything to cheer them any, did it?

Everyone Little Man the governor brought in to head departments (all departments, not just ours) continually spout the �10% of state workers don�t do anything for their paycheck� crap, but have nothing to back it up. They constantly bring up a mythically huge 6 gazillion deficit as a reason for any cuts or transfers of money out of the non-big-city parts of the state to, well, the big city (his hometown, �natch). Yet none of these huge money grabs or budget cuts seem to be lowering the red ink. Or at least that is the way it comes across, because he hasn�t lowered that 6 gazillion figure yet, and it�s now almost 9 months since he took office.

I swear, all of this crap is enough to make an honest person sick��

One last thing- the top dog/ head asshole for NDDOT is to be in Mohall next Wednesday for some roadwork announcement with the head of the city�s DOT. If he follows his usual pattern, he will then stop by our storage to check it out.

I think he expects to find the 10% of us playing cards or something, but he won�t.

We will bust ass early next week, making sure everything is as neat and orderly as possible. Not that the place is not usually that way, but extra care will be put in that effort before his visit.

Will I talk to him? Not unless spoken to first.

After all, if I am talking to him, I am not doing any work for the taxpayers, am I?

Sorry about the work-related entry today.

I just needed to vent, and that�s what this thing�s for, right?

Antique - Futuristic

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