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Grand Drive - "Grand Drive" (2003 - BMG Music) Country-fied rock, somewhat like Wilco or Nineteen Wheels....

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Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 - 8:23 p.m.

P.O.W. Squirrel #8 (first in a couple of months, though)�plus- �Acts of God!�, and getting bit by the car-buying bug again�

I think this is one cool car.

I had to take Lease�s Grand Am to the dealer to have a recall repair done on the ignition, and I figured while they were working on it I might as well test drive this car. I liked them from the first time I saw one, but wasn�t sure if it was big enough for our needs.

After playing with one this evening, I can say it is plenty big enough for what we need a car to do. The Vibe is about a foot shorter than Lease�s Grand Am, but has quite a bit more interior space, and much more room in the back seat. That has become an important issue with Lease driving the carpool to Springpatch. The backseaters should find this car much more comfortable.

Not that I bought one today. No, I am not that impulsive. Usually, anyway�.

They even tried to get me to take one home with me tonight, so Lease could drive it when she came home from work.

I�ll wait until she can see it in daylight. Might even take it for the day some Saturday, so we can put it through the weekly Wallyworld run and such. That way, we can see if it stacks up to what we are used to driving.

No, it isn�t the Santa Fe I mentioned last Saturday.

But it costs about $3000 less than the Hyundai. It is also mostly an American-made car (partially built by both Pontiac and Toyota). I am not one of those �I Buy ONLY AMERICAN � kinda people, but if I can send a few more of my dollars into another American�s pocket, I try to.

That, and we have been treated very well by our local Pontiac dealer. The Vibe is about the only car in their line that fits our present needs.

Well, except for this retro muscle car.

Which I can�t see myself dropping $35,000 on, unless we hit the Lotto�.

Caught a squirrel today. This is only the second day I have even set the trap up since the snow started falling in January. The trap was also tripped when I came home yesterday. Somehow, the creature that closed the door found a way to escape.

We have noticed an increasing number of tree rats around the neighborhood lately, so I figured it was time to re-enter the battle.

As all the others, this squirrel was released unharmed in the woods south of town.

There must be some people living in that area wondering why they have so many more squirrels in the backyards, don�t you think?

The claims adjusters at North Dakota Power got back with our bosses today about what they planned on doing about the damages their broken power line caused our 220 volt equipment this weekend.

Turns out- absolutely nothing.

They decided it was �an act of God�.

Funny how religion seems to creep into non-religious companies when money becomes involved.

This means that they won�t pay for any of our repairs or equipment damages caused by their lines crossing and sending 440 volts surging into our equipment. They said a large branch fell on the lines, causing them to make contact. Not a bad wire or anything else they can be blamed for.

When I left the yard this evening, Beavis was doing his best to try to find out what God�s billing address was so he could send Him the bill��.

Antique - Futuristic

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