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Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004 - 7:49 p.m.

Strange, what you can find lining the bottom of an old cardboard box�.

Beavis brought a couple of boxes of jelly jars to work for me yesterday. He occasionally finds a good buy on canning jars at the rummage sales he hits, and has done a pretty good job of keeping me stocked up.

But sometimes the jars he buys won�t work for me. I won�t can in used mayonnaise jars, for instance. The glass is too thin, and the lip of the jar is so thin the seal sometimes fails, wasting the product.

He has brought me baby food jars, which are ok for use as small jelly containers (unsealed, of course).

I always offer to pay for whatever he finds, but he won�t let me pay him back unless it costs him more than a couple of bucks.

Pretty cool of him, I have to admit.

I don�t usually use that word to describe the Beav, but this qualifies.


Like I already wrote- he brought me a couple of boxes of store-bought jelly jars yesterday.

Make that very old jelly jars. Their labels had yellowed through the years. The brand name was Betty Page, which I think was the store brand for the IGA chain, many years ago. No lids, of course. If they were still around, any rubber would have been deteriorated beyond use anyway.

The openings weren�t the diameter of any canning lid that I know about. Not even baby food jar sized, for that matter.

So I thanked him, offered to pay (he said no- they cost next to nothing, which I would take to be less than a quarter for him), and took them home.

I put them out to the curb with the rest of the recycle bin stuff, and they were picked up today while I was at work.

All that remained were their boxes when I came home. I picked them up, and noticed that one of the boxes was lined on the bottom with the comics from the local Sunday newspaper.

Dated: Sunday, August 9, 1964!

I took it inside with me, and carefully opened what I thought would be a brittle piece of old newsprint. Actually, it was still in great shape.

Opening the pages, I checked to see if I remembered any of the strips inside. A couple came back to me from my childhood, but most didn�t ring a bell at all.

Here is the list. If you remember any of these, let me know.

Ones I do remember: Bugs Bunny (duh!)�..Carnival (lame husband-wife relationship and sexual reference-type jokes, but very tame)��.Apartment 3G (Soap-opera like- might still be around)�..Mutt and Jeff (which one was the tall one again?)�..Alley Op (cavemen unite!)��and Pricilla�s Pop (she finally got that pony in the last panel from this strip, which ended in the early 80�s, I think.

That�s only 6.

Here are the other 11:Rhode Island Red (chickens being funny?)�..Short Ribs (very dated humor)�..Boots (no idea)�..Kevin the Bold (high sea adventure, set in the 1700�s?)�..G.P. Early (early what?)�..Freckles and Fiends (looks like it was from the 30�s, not the 60�s)�..Our Boarding House (those still around in the 60�s?)�..Out Our Way (country corn-pone humor?)�..Dr. Kildare (I thought this was a soap opera on t.v.?)�..Life�s Like That(yes it is, isn�t it?)�..and Marty Merkle (another husband/wife can�t get along strip, from the one I read today)

Everything here is extremely tame by today�s standards. No Charlie Brown, too- must have been to controversial for the local paper in 1964.

And not one Beatles reference? Hard to believe that, considering the date of the paper.

I still skip the local paper�s comics, even though they have improved greatly in the past 40 years. I rather spend my time reading the Chicago Trib�s much larger, much more up-to-date comic pages. Their selection includes the following NOT in the Mohall Review: Doonesbury, The Boondocks, Get Fuzzy!, and Mr. Buffo- all to edgy for the fine citizens of North Dakota (according to the people who make these decisions at the local rag, anyway).


Second �Anyway�� of this entry. Must come up with new saying to explain away my digressions�.

Speaking of animated stuff�.If you grew up a fan of Looney Toons, you know the main supplier for objects and services was the trusty Acme corporation. I knew that the world�s dimmest coyote bought many of his weapons from this company, and I knew they made a lot of other different products, but this is amazing!

Lease came home tonight with an upset stomach, didn�t eat any supper, took an early bath, and went right to bed.

I need to go see if she needs anything, so I will sign off right here >.<

Antique - Futuristic

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