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Honest Pod - "Seven on my Side" (2003- some local label) Band from my neck of the wood, and the ROCK!

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Thursday, May. 13, 2004 - 9:30 p.m.

Another power outage?- FUCK!

The power went out tonight at 6:25 am.

It didn�t come back on until about 10 minutes ago ( 9:05 pm).

Lease missed the final episode of �Survivor� on CBS.

I called my Bro-in-law Mark, and asked him to record the final episode of �Frasier� on NBC.

Lease said she would find out about �Survivor� at work tomorrow.

The odds of anyone I work with watching �Frasier� are slim and none.

And slim just left town.

So please don�t send me an email, telling me how it ends.

I would rather wait for the tape to watch and find out sometime in the next few days�.

I have a flat filled with tomato, eggplant, and pepper plants for my Bro-in �Law, so at least I have something to trade him for the video�

I divided up what was left of my plants tonight BEFORE the power went out.

I had 14 people at work ask for plants (some VERY SPECIFIC in what the wanted), along with 4 former employees, and another 3 members of my family.


I spent over $100 on seeds last winter to pay for the base ingredients for these bedding plants.

Not including my time, along with the fertilizer and soil to start the fuckers.

NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY (except for Crafty, but he just asked what I wanted for the plants) offers to donate towards these plants. I imagine I save others around another $100 or more in unspent cash for the plants.

Next spring?

This has to come to an end. I think this year I will be giving out more plants than I keep for myself. I really don�t mind help others grow special varieties. I just feel like most of these people are taking advantage of my time and effort.

Maybe tomorrow, after a night of decent sleep, I won�t feel this way.

But if not, I will spend a lot less money putting in my garden next year�

Antique - Futuristic

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