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Trucker - "Nothing to See Here" (2003 - Truckerrocks records)...R.E.M. had a bastard child/band with Social Distortion? Ma

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Thursday, Jun. 10, 2004 - 9:11 p.m.

What�d I say? Goodbye, Mr. Charles�.Newsflash! Nothing has changed since Saturday for one former president�. Plus- a link for something that was bound to �come� along �

Ray Charles passed away today. He lived to the age of 73, but the most influential period of his musical career had to be the late 1950�s through the mid 1960�s. If you want to read just how much the development of soul music owes a dept to Mr. Charles, check out his bio at the AMG.

Especially if you are young enough to only remember him for his Diet Pepsi commercials�.

No disrespect, but�

Former president Ronald Reagan is still dead.

(run-on sentence alert!) I, for one, have not spent the past 5 days glued to the all-news channels, watching his corpse being shuttled around the country so average citizens can stand in line for 5 hours to walk past his coffin for 3 seconds.

Not that I dislike the man or his presidency. I would feel the same way if the press were doing this over the (future) death of Jimmy Carter, or any other (now) living former commander in chief.

I just don�t get this maudlin obsession (and subsequent overload of coverage) with his after-death�.

BTW- when the coffin carrying former president Reagan�s remains left California, the local newsbabe said the follow goofy and WRONG statement (while I was trying to eat my turkey sandwich) on Monday:

�President Reagan is making his last trip to our nation�s capitol�

Sorry- wrong.

His CORPSE is making the trip. HE his no stake in this trip. HE DIED on Saturday, so HE can�t be making any kind of trip right now (on this earth, anyway).

Just struck me as a stoopid thing to say, that�s all�.

The present temporary Mohall #1 and one of our older, long time employees at work came very close to blows this morning. Don�t know for sure what the heated argument was about.

Don�t want to know, nor be a witness, if someone ends up slugging temporary #1.

It�s only June 10th.

We have another 13 workdays with him at temporary #1.

And that�s only if he isn�t anointed Fulltime Mohall #1 before the end of the month.

This could get real ugly before June becomes July�.

I�ll leave you with a link to a very R-rated product for sale:

Ladies only�.

A new use for one of those extra USB ports on your computer

I just hope Billy Gates didn�t have anything to do with the design of this computer peripheral item.

If he did, it�s sure to crash and shut down at the worst possible time�..

Antique - Futuristic

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