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The Presidents of the United States of America - "Love Everybody" (2004- PUSA Records)...Might be their best yet!

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Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 - 7:48 p.m.

The Sugar Hill Gang has to take some of the blame for this. Oh yeah- and that punk Eminem, too�

This is just so sad it isn�t even funny:

Found this one, checking out the photos linked on the website I mentioned yesterday.

After playing around with my favorite Internet translation server (InterTrans), I was able to figure out that the language is Norwegian.

That doesn�t explain why these three young men decided to let themselves be photographed in such a pathetic way.

Oh wait- they are Norwegian rappers. That means that they are badly confused to start with.

No wonder they look so silly�

Today is day 3 of continual rain. Very strange for August around here.

The rain gauge here at home has had about 1.5 inches in it by morning.

The one at the storage?

It contained over 3�.

I think someone poured a little of their water into the glass cylinder, just to mess with me.

It has rained non-stop for the past hour. Not once has it slowed down to less than a downpour. We are under a flash flood advisor as I type this, too.

Lightning struck the Evil Black Walnut Tree from Hell! about 30 minutes ago. Lit up the inside of our home before we even heard the crash of thunder.

I was in the basement, getting the dried laundry. Jay-dog had crawled into his cage, I guess because the thunder was scaring him. When the bolt struck outside, less than 50 feet away?

He did a �Scooby Doo�, scratching in place on the plastic flooring of his cage.

That, more than the lightning, made my heart jump.

Still just a puppy, even if he is 17 months old�

No, the lightning didn�t bring down the hated tree.

From the back door (I am NOT going out into that rain, thank you very much), I can see no damage at all.

The only way that beast is coming down is if I pay for it�.

Antique - Futuristic

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