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Monday, May. 02, 2005 - 9:13 p.m.

Same photograph, two different takes�

Been playing around with Photoshop tonight.

The photograph below was badly underexposed before editing. The shadow area on the left, combined with the bright sun shining on the light gray patio fooled the light meter in the rebel. Sorta like what happens when you take a shot of your children playing in a snowy scene- the camera reads too much white and overcompensates.

The first edit has contrast adjustments, along with lowering the bottom levels of light (to bring up the shadows on the pavement. The color was saturated just a little bit (to bring out the pastel shades against the bland backdrop):

After finishing that bit of work, I wanted to see what it would look like in black and white. Just changing the original print to grayscale didn�t look right- there wasn�t enough difference between the high and low tones.


Photoshop tools were applied. Again, the levels (lighting/contrast) were adjusted manually. Film grain was added, and then removed. A little blurring was added, to better effect. Finally, after trying several more filters and such, I decided this was the effect I liked the most:

It still amazes me how much you can do to a simple photograph using modern technology.

The only �editing� I could do when I started shooting pictures 35 years ago involved a pair of scissors and a steady hand�

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