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Monday, Jun. 26, 2006 - 5:55 p.m.

Another photo of the nest�plus- not a great day

This might be the last photo I take of the baby Robins in their nest:


Because this is the only photo I took of the three babies today. Right after the shutter clicked, the bird on the left got all froggy and jumped from the nest. It flew for about 6 feet, and then landed on the ground. Mom and Dad Robin went ballistic, the local Blackbirds made a move on the unfortunate early bird.

And I felt like crap.

Nothing I could do at that point- it was free from its nest. Mom and Dad Robin chased the Blackbirds away until the baby hopped and sorta-flew to my red raspberry patch. I am pretty sure it is still there, well hidden from the Blackbirds.

Like Lease said- they are ready to fly the coop now anyway. We have seen young Robins in the past that look exactly like these birds do (size and coloration the same) sitting on a branch or the ground. Hopefully, this one is far enough along to survive outside of the nest. It is a matter of time until all three are gone, off on their own.

I still feel bad, though. I don't want to be the reason why one of these birds doesn't reach maturity....

I am 4 doses into the 28 pill regiment for tomorrow�s test. It�s as bad as I thought it would be- the pills are salty, and has the consistency of soft chalk. These are the hardest to swallow pill I have ever come across in my life.

If you are given the option of pills or liquid for this test- TAKE THE LIQUID!

I don�t care how bad the stuff tastes- it has to be easier to get down than this quick dissolving pills.

No rumbling in my belly just yet- I guess that will be here soon.

I skipped the breakroom at lunch today. I really didn�t want to smell everyone else�s food, and my Vidalia onions needed to be harvested from the work garden bed anyway.

I�ve felt a little bit �off� all day- just don�t have any energy. I managed to get the office and bathrooms cleaned up (it�s been a week, and I won�t be back until Wednesday. It had to be done today).

Took every bit of restraint I could muster to not laugh outloud at the woman who called in the storage, complaining about the mulberries that have fallen from a tree in someone�s front yard onto the sidewalk on the busiest road in town this afternoon. She must really be bored or have a perfect life otherwise if she thinks falling mulberries staining a sidewalk is worthy of a formal complaint.

�Off�, I�m telling ya�.

Damn, I�m hungry�.

Antique - Futuristic

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