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Nino Moschella - "The Fix (2006)- hard to describe- maybe Prince had a love child 20 years ago?

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Monday, Mar. 05, 2007 - 8:33 p.m.

More early blooms.... plus- a very strange weekend

Another one of the "forced" bulbs. These tulips are unusual- the petals are paper thin, and the dark veins on the lighter areas really stand out:

So far I am 5 for 5 on the bulbs I potted up early last October. All were buried in my garden, covered by a deep pile of leaves. The mice have found a few of the sprouts, eating tiny holes in them, but so far that hasn't stopped any of the blooms from coming out once they sprout.

I have a few more to go- I'll post them as they progress....

When we went to bed Friday night, the forecast was for a few flurries overnight. No road problems were forecast, no accumulation expected.

The phone rang at 6:30 am. Mohall 1, saying he needed me to come to work.

"Why?", I asked. I had checked the radar and looked out my window at 3 am(early morning restroom visit time for old men like me), and nothing was happening.

He said a dusting had moved quickly through, and that we needed to throw some salt to clear the roads. He thought we would be out of there in an hour or two.

Ended up, it was 10 hours later. The flurries fell all day, but never did a thing to the road. The little bit of snow was gone in an hour, most of it simply from traffic moving it around. I used lass than a truckload of salt for my entire route (it usually takes3-4 just to cover everything).

But.... there was an official STORM WARNING from the headquarters' weather forecasting service. And the management there wasn't going to let us go home until the STORM WARNING was canceled.

That made for one very looooooong day. I drove up and down my route at least once an hour- there was never a problem that required my attention.

It may surprise you, but I was working to get sent home most of the day. I would call Mohall 1 and say something like, "I don't have any problems out here- do you want me to return to the yard?", but it didn't do any good.

By the time we finally got the "all clear" and were sent home, all I had time left for was a quick meal out at the local Mexican restaurant, a run through the near-by Kroger for some groceries, and it was time for bed.

Hellava Saturday.

We tried to get everything else done around the house yesterday, but we were both worn out. We ended up watching a bunch of things that we had recorded on our DVR, and ended up going to bed before 9 pm.

Only three more weekends "on call". After that?

Let the phone ring- there are plenty of people who want non-winter overtime.

They can have all of mine....

Antique - Futuristic

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