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Tuesday, Oct. 01, 2002 - 8:04 p.m.

What is up with the weather? Maybe I should reconsider the whole �Global Warming is a joke� issue?

So, the high temperature was 89� here today. It was 86� yesterday.

That is a full 25� degrees above normal!

The freakin� mosquitoes haven�t decided to call it quits yet, either. I was swarmed by a hungry mob of them this evening, even though I sprayed Off� all over my exposed flesh.

I have been letting far too many outside chores slide for the past month or so. That would be about the time that people started dropping dead (from the West Nile virus) left and right here in North Dakota.

Something about dieing from a �skeeter bite just turned me off. I like to have an organized garden, clear of dead plants and clutter. I have ignored the dead bean vines for about 4 weeks, and some of the annual flowers had bit the dust further back than that.

Tonight after work, I decided it was time to do something about the mess. After soaking myself in chemicals, I headed down to the lower vegetable beds. I drug the garbageman-approved compost garbage can with me. I don�t try to make compost out of most vines in my bins. They take forever, and are a pain to 'turn under' the existing pile.

I had a pair of pruners in hand, and started work. In less than 5 minutes, I could hardly see what I was doing.

Why? Because there was a cloud of female �skeeters, bouncing on and off my entire body. Sure, the Deet was screwing with their lust for blood. It didn�t deter all of them, thought. I must have missed some parts of my ankles, because a few broke through the defenses there and proceeded to drain my lower legs of blood.

I cut my garden clean-up short and headed up the hill to my front yard. There, I was left alone by the bloodsuckers. I managed to prune my crimson barberry shrubs (which had gotten scrubby looking since I did this job back in June), and placed all of Lease�s Halloween decorations in my nearly-dormant front perennial beds.

Yea, I still have a few mums that will be in bloom shortly. The ones I didn�t crush with the Killer Ladder back when I painted the house last month, anyway.

But nearly everything else is just hanging around, waiting for the inevitable killing frost that will close in on us soon.

Until then, I just have faded black-eyed Susan�s and coreopsis taking up space.

89� in October?

I never thought I would say this, but I am starting to look forward to a little cool weather.

Notice I didn�t say cold weather- we get enough of that as it is here in Mohall.

No, I just want to experience some real fall weather. You know what I mean? Sweater weather, cooking some weenies over a wood fire, raking fallen leaves, tilling up the garden beds, and all the other things that make the season great.

If we don�t get some real fall weather soon, we will just jump directly into winter.

This spring, we went from a long winter to about 2 weeks of real spring weather, and then right into a hot summer.

I miss the changing seasons��.

Antique - Futuristic

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