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Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 - 6:50 p.m.

Rolling Stone Magazine�s �The Reader�s 100� list�.

Yeah, this will be one of those �Lazy Entries� I post every now and then.

Why today?

Nothing worth writing about happened at work today. There is no canning or cooking on the docket for tonight. It�s Thursday, which means plenty-o-t.v. tonight (The vcrs will be getting a workout, too).

So, I will just cop out on you and post someone else�s work.

Well, that isn�t completely accurate, either.

This weeks issue of Rolling Stone magazine has the list in the title of this entry. Finally, they let their readers (and not the snooty music critics who hate everything, unless it is something weird and un-listen-able. Not all of their critics, thought. Greg Kot gets it right most of the time, and he is also Midwestern born and raised. Sorry- I got off track. Back to the entry) pick their top 10 albums of the rock era, and then the editors of the magazine compiled them into the top 100.

For once, I can agree on many of the choices.

All of the rock era is represented (well, from the early 1960�s on, anyway). Since the magazine�s readership spans generations, there are not a lot of �pop� albums on the list.

And no Backstreet Boys or Brittany Spears?

Maybe the pre-teens who bought their albums are starting to develop taste in music? (Please, if you love those two manufactured groups, don�t flame me for voicing my opinion on what the do. When you are 6, the best tasting food in the world in contained inside a Happy Meal box. And then you grow up, and real food starts to replace that manufactured product�..damn, now I am going to get flamed by Happy Meals lovers, too. I better just move on�.)

Anyway, the reason why I am writing about it is simple: I want you to read the article (Click to read the choices. But I�m warning you- it loads one choice per page. You might not want to spend several days waiting for pages to load. Pick up a copy at your newsstand, instead�), and then tell me how many of these albums you own (or have owned in the past) from this list.

How many do I have in my collection?

Here they are, in reverse order (R.S. readers choice number in parentheses):

(99) Madonna-The Immaculate Collection (Lease�s, not mine!)

(96) Stevie Wonder-Songs in the Key of Life

(95) Moby-Play

(94) Def Leppard- Hysteria

(92) Garbage-Version 2.0

(91) Weezer- Maladroit

(86) Bon Jovi- Slippery When Wet (um, yeah�sorry)

(84) Led Zeppelin- Houses of the Holy (now that�s more like it!)

(83) Queen- A Night at the Opera (ditto)

(82) Pearl Jam- Vitalogy

(80) Soundgarden- Superunknown

(78) No Doubt- Tragic Kingdom

(75) Counting Crows- August and Everything After

(73) Michael Jackson-Off the Wall (now remember-he didn�t get real freaky until his later years)

(72) System of a Down- Toxicity

(71) Dave Matthews Band- Under the Table and Dreaming

(70) U2- Zooropa

(66) Prince- Purple Rain

(65) The Who- Tommy

(61) Miles Davis- Kind of Blue

(60) AC/DC- Back in Black

(59) Black Sabbath- Paranoid

(58) Linkin Park- Hybrid Theory (Codeman�s, but I burn it too)

(57) The Strokes- Is This It

(53) U2- The Unforgettable Fire

(52) Madonna- Music (Lease�s again)

(51) Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin II

(50) Pearl Jam- Vs.

(49) U2- War

(47) Alanis Morissette- Jagged Little Pill

(46) Guns n� Roses- Use Your Illusion I and II (they lumped these together, I guess they count as one?)

(44) Jimi Hendrix-Are you Experienced

(42) Metallica- Metallica

(38) Green Day- Dookie

(35) Red Hot Chili Peppers- Bloodsugarsexmagic

(33) Oasis- (What�s the Story) Morning Glory?)

(28) Smashing Pumpkins-Siamese Dream

(25) R.E.M.- Automatic for the People

(22) Nirvana- In Utero

(21) Weezer- Weezer (due to having two albums with the same name, they lumped �green� and �blue� together-both are great albums)

(20) The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds (funny-people are always comparing Rivers Cuomo�s harmonies to Brian Wilson�s, and they end up next to each other on the list....)

(19) Pearl Jam- Ten

(18) Smashing Pumpkins-Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

(16) Weezer- Pinkerton (this scored higher than the other three Weezer albums? Huh?)

(15) U2- All That you Can�t Leave Behind

(14) The Clash- London Calling

(12) Michael Jackson- Thriller (hey, stop laughing! He sold over 26 million copies of this album!)

(11) Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon

(10) U2- Achtung Baby

(9) Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin 4

(8) Radiohead- OK Computer

(7) Guns n� Roses- Appetite for Destruction

(4) U2- The Joshua Tree

(3) The Beatles- Sgt. Pepper�s Lonely Hearts Club Band

(2) Nirvana- Nevermind

(1)The Beatles- Revlover

If my math is correct (and not counting the Weezer and Guns �n Roses doubles as two different albums), I have in my collection 56 of the 100 albums.

My top ten? I can�t limit myself to 10 albums, but I will tell you that 3 of the reader�s all time top 10 would be on any short list I made.

So, how about it? Check out the article; go to the web site, whatever way you do it:

Just let me know how many of the top 100 you agree on, too��

The forecast for today was scattered showers and thunderstorms, with a high around 75�

The sun was out almost all day, and the high ended up at 86� (according to my Weather Bug thing on my toolbar).

Yeah, I know�who cares what your weather is like in Mohall, right?

I�m not posting the weather here for any other reason than to be able to look back, sometime in January, and remember how hot it was this late in the year.

January will most likely suck this year.

Weather Karma�s Gonna Get Us��.

Antique - Futuristic

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