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Friday, Jan. 10, 2003 - 8:46 p.m.

Blah Blah Fuckety Blah (part # 526)�

I�ve got nothing.

Nothing interesting to write about here in my �journal�, anyway.

Since that has never stopped me before, here I go��.

What happened at work worth writing about today?

Nothing, except having to put up with a idiot store manager at a local farm supply store.

The Tractor Supply Company� is now officially on my shitlist.

Why, you (who are still reading at this point) are wondering?

Because, after a phone conversation assuring me that they would take our State purchase order, the dipshit behind the service counter refused to sell a $170 fuel pump to one of my coworkers.

This, after he drove 55 miles to buy said pump.

Because we only drove to your freakin� store because we could save the State about $70 in the transaction.

Because we could have bought the same pump in town for that extra $70, but chose to drive the aforementioned 55 miles (each direction, btw) to try to save our employer money where we could (our employee�s salary would be paid whether he drove to buy a fuel pump or if he counted grains of salt in the salt dome, so the drive doesn�t factor into the money equasion).

Turns out, the Tractor Supply Company� changed their credit system last October. They sent out paperwork for the folks in London to fill out if we wanted to still be able to buy their farm and hick related products.

For once, my ranting isn�t aimed at London�s incompetence. No, the woman who is now in that department (purchase confirmation and bill paying) has been doing a fine job. I didn�t think It was something she did wrong in the first place. When the manager of the T.S.C.� store informed me on the phone that we were the only district in the State( out of 12 districts) that HADN�T filled out the information forms (that was her reason for treating both my coworker and myself rudely, I guess), I knew she was probably wrong. I even asked her if she could contact her home office to see if their information was wrong. She told me it wasn�t their policy to call for such things, and offered to send a new form back with our employee for us to fill out again. If they accepted our credit (Ha! Like the State doesn�t pay their bills EVENTUALLY!), then we could come back at a later date and buy anything they sell at their store!


We needed the damn fuel pump today, not some paperwork-inspired day in the far future.

I told her to go ahead and send the paperwork, but that I didn�t plan on spending any of the State�s money there as long as I am in charge of purchasing.

She didn�t like that so much, and handed the phone back to my coworker.

After calling London, the nice lady in purchase confirmation told me that the person at T.S.C.� had to be wrong. When she called back a few minutes later, she had proof that she had not only sent the required paperwork through: she had received a confirmation from their home office that we were approved on October 9th!

The person she talked to in Tennessee (the T.S.C.� headquarters) apologized all over herself, and promised that we were welcome to stop by any time we needed anything the have for sell.

I told her to tell them that there were plenty of other places (within the 55 mile distance we have to travel to shop at their store) that LOVE to sell us supplies. I told her to give the T.S.C.� spokeswoman my local phone number if she didn�t want to tell him that herself.

That seemed to crack her up.

See�my day at work wasn�t a complete loss, was it?

I could tell you about my haircut tonight (looks ok, even thought Peggy was running about 45 minutes behind due to a tough perm she had to finish and ahd to ruch through my head to try to catch up with her othzzzzzzzzzzzz).

I could tell you about tomorrow�s busy plans (my speaker installation, and now helping Codeman replace his leaky valve cover gasket on his Grand Am. He is now loosing about 2 quarts of oil a week, due to its total failure).

But it is Friday, and nobody wants to listen to me bitch. So I will leave you with the following:

Hope y�all have a great weekend.

May your football team win (unless you live in Philadelphia- after putting up with the Eagles fans we had to sit next to in Champaign this year, their team is on my permanent �don�t like� list).

Try to stay warm (it will be around 9� when we wake up tomorrow morning here in Mohall).

And if you need a new hog trough or tires for your tractor, shop at Farm and Fleet� or Rural King�.

Don�t give those rat-bastards at Tractor Supply Company� any of your hard-earned bucks�..

Antique - Futuristic

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