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Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 - 7:06 p.m.

Sent home to rest, and a little piece about academic �letters��.

Yeah, they sent the guys on the night shift home to rest today.

I think they probably regret it now. The National Weather Service keeps downgrading the forecast. The latest only mentions flurries, with no accumulation.

Don�t mean I won�t have to work, though. It is raining as I type this, and the temperature has slowly dropped all day. When I woke up, it was 59�. That is about 20� warmer than our normal high temperature for the day. It is now down to 35�, and when the cold front passes through sometime overnight it should get into the mid 20�s.

This is a very strong storm system, with steady winds of 25-35 mph overnight. Gust could be as high as 50 mph.

We are very lucky there isn�t a lot of snow included in the system for us here in Mohall�..

I tried to rest when I came home today.

Really, I did.

I turned the lights off, turned on a boring show on ESPN, and took a mediocre nap in the Lazy-Boy�. Sprout wasn�t happy that I was so close to him but not paying attention, so he jumped on my arm at least 3 times in the hour I forced myself to snooze.

Since I couldn�t fall into a deep sleep, I just gave up. I came upstairs and did a little maintenance on the computer (defrag, deleted a bunch of photo files, and burned a couple of discs with recent photos). I typed a couple of recipes up for Lease, and now I am here, typing this really dull entry for you to enjoy.

Hey, I don�t have anything new to write about. All I did at work today was enter fuel tickets into the State computer system, and restocked the bottles on the fluid shelves in the tool room.

Can�t make an entry out of that, can I?

I also got around to ordering an �academics� letterman�s patch for Codeman from the big company that makes them for most of the country (Neff).

He actually earned his first letter for academics in his sophomore year. He has also earned semester pins for 5 terms since then.

One problem, though- Codeman�s school decided the academic award program was too costly, and they dropped it after his freshman year.

Yes, you read that right- they decided to stop giving the students who actually do good work an award letter. All they get now is a piece of paper, and inclusion on a list that gets printed in the local newspaper.

Yes, they still give out letters for athletics. He earned one last spring for varsity baseball, and had already received his participation patches for freshman and sophomore season.

That�s all good.

But to not properly recognized the students who are actually, well, good students, seems kinda shallow, don�t you think?

I guess we could have framed all of the papers he received and hung them on the wall.

That would be a little tacky, I think.

I guess this is just another reminder of how out-of-wack our priorities are now days. Put all your heart into achieving good grades; get a piece of paper. Put a round ball into a basket; get a nice three-dimensional chenille letter (retail value $26.50).

That�s why I ordered his today. I didn�t know until recently that we could buy this item from the manufacturer. I thought it had to be received from the school. I wanted to also buy him the gold star pins they used to give out for each semester on the honor roll, but they are only available in a package of 25 (another $42.00). He will have to locate them somewhere else, if he wants them.

The letter jacket will be dry cleaned and hung on a hanger after Codeman graduates from high school this spring. The academics letter will be sewn on, along with another baseball letter.

The coat will never be worn again.

But he will likely keep it for the rest of his life.

It wouldn�t be complete without the academics letter that he has rightfully earned��..

Antique - Futuristic

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