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Owlsey - "Owlsey" ( 1999 - Giant Records) same as yesterday - good album......

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Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003 - 5:02 p.m.

Billboard art (?), and scenes from downtown Mohall�

I�ll admit it- I don�t think much of billboards.

They block the view of scenery along our roadways. They pitch products I don�t need and political candidates. The political candidates issue alone is enough to dislike them.

But every once in a while, nature takes control and makes unintentional humor out of the advertisers work.

Earlier this week, we had a low-pressure system go through containing very strong winds. These winds ripped away portions of the paper from several billboards on the road I travel to work on, distriying the current ad.

This one caught my eye, though. I saw it on the way home this morning, and mad esure I took a picture of it before the billboard company replaces it with a new ad.

The question I have for you is this:

Is the Girl Scout seated in the wheelchair excited by the giant hamburger, or terrified? You be the judge:

I�m leaning towards terrified�..

This next shot is of the �giant hole� that is bringing so many shoppers to the downtown Mohall area. This hole is a mystery, with the possibility fo a couple of local city council members profiting off of the removal of a whole block of the old downtown shopping district. One owned several of the worthless buildings, and must have profited handsomely from the city�s purchase of this strip.

Hum�local realtor/city council member votes to purchase vacant buildings with taxpayer�s money. Said city council member owns several of the buildings.

No conflict of interest that I can see!

This area has been vacant for about 8 months. We keep hearing rumors of developers, ready to build office space or a hotel or such, but so far the only construction we have seen is for the pretty 8 foot chain link fence surrounding the 6 foot deep pit left behind by the demolition:

Isn�t downtown Mohall beautiful?

I will leave you with a couple of shots I took of bricks.

Yeah, bricks.

The first one is from a stairwell inside of a parking garage. I went into the garage to take the photo of the �giant hole�. I just liked the way the cracks in the mortar covered the two walls, and how the lighting glowed in the darkened corridor:

The last shot was taken in an 100+ year old alley behind one of the original blocks of downtown Mohall. I changed it to black and white to bring out the texture, and to make it look �old�:

Altogether, I shot over 80 photos this afternoon. I have never taken shots of the downtown area just to take them, even though I have lived my whole life here in Mohall.

Today was the perfect day to do this. Nobody was walking around, due to the light snow and wind. The day was gray, making for interesting lighting for the building photos. And I had already worked my full day, with no real chance of getting called back into work again tonight.

I might drop a few more of them in here over the next couple of days. I don�t want to slow down this page�s loading up for you too much�.

Why did they call me in to work this morning?

Good question.

The phone rang at 3:10 am. Gordo said that the beltline and protected areas were slick, even though we had only received about �� of dry, wispy snow.

He had 2 guys in since 1 am, when the snow started. He ended up needing a �frost patrol� of 6 drivers. We call it that because that is how the routes are divided up. Each driver has 2 or 3 different routes to cover for frost on bridge decks. Since we don�t have frost on bridge decks anymore (brine application has eliminated that problem), we don�t have frost patrols. But the same number of guys can cover a �protected area� snow, which is what we had this morning.

Since we are on the night shift, they have to send us home at 7:30 am. If it snows again tonight, I will still be on call.

I came home at 7:30, and went to sleep for about 3 hours. I couldn�t sleep any more, so I got out of bed. That is why I was able to play with my camera this afternoon.

Getting called back in isn�t likely, though. The snow went south of us, and the temperature was too warm today for what little snow that fell to stick to anything.

So, for those keeping score- this is the second time this week that I only had to work 4 hours to complete a 'full' work day (they sent us home on Monday at noon, and the predicted snow never fell).

I could get used to these hours��.

Antique - Futuristic

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