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Jellyfish - "Spilt Milk" ( 1992- Charisma Records) Teenage Fanclub meets Queen?

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Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 - 9:55 pm

You want a real entry, or do you want some new photos?�..Alright then- Photos it is!

(Yes, this is a fake posting date and time- Andrew was having server issues again and I couldn't post last night. Now - on to what I wrote last night....)


That�s what I thought�

Quick updates-

Codeman went 0-2 in the scrimmage yesterday, with a walk tossed in. Since the score was 2-1 after 7 innings, nobody else really hit the ball either.

The coach jumped him for not diving for a short fly ball hit his way. Since the base runner was thrown out at second base on the very next pitch, no harm- no foul I guess.

One day closer to the last season of Codeman�s baseball career�..

We ran today. No time for the usual errands yesterday, with fishing and ballgames tying up the daylight hours.

I managed to find time to plant my two new rose bushes this afternoon. They are both old-fashioned roses, not the usual �tea roses�. I have given up on those high-maintenance varieties. Better to plant the low-chemical variations instead.

While I was outside, I found time to play a little with Codeman�s boy, Tony Bonehead. Lease took a bunch of pictures of the two of us barking at each other, and him running around me in circles on our backyard hill. Since he moves rather quickly, he wasn�t in most of the shots with me.

He was in this one:

Not everyone can pull off the high-top rubber muck boot look...

He looks a lot more ferocious than he is:

And, at other times he just is a one big puppy:

I know I posted a photo of our early crocuses last spring, but I thought another shot of early spring wouldn�t bother you too much:

After the long winter we have just went through, a little early reminded of what is to come is welcome�

Last shot of the day.

This one is mainly for Joleen. (who enjoys having two members of the feline community living in her apartment)

I noticed that our Drug Dealer�s cat was watching Lease and I as we enjoyed the early spring warmth this afternoon, and I decided to shoot a photo of him. He spent about an hour in the window, never moving even when Tony Bonehead was running up and down the hill with me. Only when I shot his photo did he decide to vacate his view of our backyard:

Maybe the flash made him think we were the police, ready to bust down the front door again....

Oh yeah, the Drug Dealer Neighbor update!

He is now in jail, serving the horrible sentence of 6 months for running over and killing the rival gang member over a drug deal gone wrong!

Yeah, that�s right- use your Explorer instead of your 9mm to take out a rival. I guess all you have to serve is 6 months if you kill another scumbag member of the community with your car.

He stays out of trouble, and he might even make it out by early summer.

For now, his wife and family are still next door, living on an unexplainable (or maybe I should say unreported) income source until his release. There are about 10 people who come and go at all hours of the day, none of which actually live in the house. Most are female, if that means anything.

We haven�t had any police raids, loud arguments, or other major uproars since last August. In the meantime, his family lives in the ($70,000 market value) house next door, waiting his release to start things all over again.


Oh well- at least they mow the grass, right?

One last thing:


2003 Big Ten Tourney champions (men�s basketball)!

Kinda makes up for the last 12 months of my favorite horrendous local sports teams stinkin� up their respective leagues.

They picked up a #4 seed in next week�s NCAA championship tournament. That means the people who seeded the tourney think they are one of the 16 best teams in the nation, at this time.

Not bad, considering all of the pre-season basketball predictors had them 6th place or worse in the Big Ten conference alone? And they replaced 6 graduating seniors with a new batch of freshmen who came .4 seconds from winning the regular season championship, too?

Whatever they do form this point on is just icing on the cake.

And I LOVE good icing��

Antique - Futuristic

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