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Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 - 8:21 p.m.

A cartoon of what most people think of my fellow highway workers and myself�Hitting Wallyworld on a Monday evening, garden harvesting, and a link to a silly web page�

Yeah, this is about how most people think of us. The cartoon was in the June issue of Reader�s Digest (usually a pro-working man�s magazine, but I guess they agree with our department head about how little work we do?), and was left on my desk by one of my coworkers (oops- co-non-workers!). The accompanying �Life in these United States� short was about highway construction (someone wrote, �Let Them Finish!� � HA!- below the construction zone sign that read �Let them Work, Let them Live!- nothing like humor at the expense of a sign promoting highway worker�s safety!)

Anyway, I thought I would pass it along to you ,even though I don't agree with how the artist views us......

One small point �we use flat shoves in construction zone. The round point that the lazy guys are leaning on wouldn't do you much good, unless the road is made out of dirt�..

Yeah, I made our weekly grocery store run to Wallyworld tonight after work. Since I get off at 3 now, I have 2 � hours to kill before Lease gets home every day. We were busy, running here and there, all day Saturday, and spent Sunday relaxing at home (along with doing required maintenance on the car, and both of us cooking), so we didn�t squeeze shopping for our staples into the mix.

I don�t really mind doing this chore after work. The madhouse that is Wallyworld on the weekends is much quieter, with about 1/10th the number of fellow shoppers on a Monday.

Might have to do this more often. I would rather have the weekends free to do things we really want to do anyway�

I picked another 4 cups of ripe black raspberries at work this morning. Tomorrow, I will try the distant spot I went to last week. I think they will be ready now.

I have to leave the Hillbilly truck at my friend Rick�s shop after work anyway (I know- I already wrote that last week). If they aren�t ready tomorrow, that will be the last time I drive all the way out there. Since I already have a batch of jam and ice cream processed, and now have enough frozen berries from today for Lease to make a cobbler or something for a desert, I don�t have to get any more fruit. The high temperature tomorrow is supposed to be 96�, and the spot hasn�t had much rain for over two weeks. The berries will be drying up on the canes if I don�t pick them tomorrow.

I imagine you are tired of me writing about black raspberries, so I�ll move on�

I also harvested two nice heads of cauliflower this morning.

My Vidalia onions have already begun falling over, the first sign of ripening bulbs. They might be a bit smaller than last year�s crop, but with the early dry weather I expected as much. My entire late crop onions are still standing fully up, with many having necks over 1� in diameter (a good sign, because the bigger the top set, the larger the bulb formed below it in July).

The various garlic plants are also starting to turn brown, so they will also need harvesting in a week or so��.

Had to call a locksmith to the storage today.

Something inside of the passage set that controls the toolroom door broke loose, leaving me locked out for a few minutes this morning. I tried turning the knob every which way, but nothing worked. I could get the door to open about ��, and no more.

I finally gave up. I called Emmit over, held the plastic curtain (like they have in walk-in coolers, to keep the outside air outside and the inside air�.oh, you already know what I am talking about? Good.... Now, where was I?), and told him to give the door a kick right next to the knob.

The door gave way on his second attempt. He didn�t make the situation any worse than it already was. The entry set was already broken. He just helped me get inside to start my day.

The bad news? Having a extra-long catch on the set doesn�t stop someone from getting into the toolroom, as long as they can kick as hard as Emmit does�..

I haven�t put a link to a non-Roadiepig related web site recently, but this one qualifies as

This website has the most complete listing of silly molecule names you will find anywhere on the Internet .

I bet this is one site you never thought you would find, isn�t it? I bet you never thought about silly molecule names until you read the paragraph above, too. It helps to have a proper sophomoric sense of humor while reading the names, btw��.

Antique - Futuristic

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