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V Shape Mind - "Cul-de-sac" (2003 - Republic/Universal Records)...Interesting new hard rock band from Central Illinois(?)

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Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003 - 11:22 p.m.

What a waste of an evening (football-wise)�plus, a non-entry, entry�

Saturday night, and what did I do?

Sat through a 3 � hour �football game� that ended up with the bad guys 6, my team 3.

Yes, you red that right- 6-3.

More like a baseball game than a football game.

The other team was down to their 4th string quarterback, due to injuries and academic ineligibility.

So what did the North Dakota squad do? I guess they felt sorry for the other team, so they played as bad a game as I have suffered through for the past 15 years.



Nephew J-Rod and Zackal stopped by for the game. We cooked Italian beef and Buffalo shrimp for our dinner.

So at least the food was top-notch tonight�

You have $8000.00 spend for your future wealth?

I have a link at Ebay for you to click on. It is for something that was listed under �umbrella stands�.

I have no idea how this ended up under �umbrella stands�, considering that it is for a hotdog moneymaker, whatever that is.

If you stop by here often, you know it don�t take much to crack me up. This is a good example�..

BTW- check out the photo included with the Ebay listing. I am not sure what a sprinter and the down position has to do with a hot dog stand.

Let alone why this was listed under �umbrella stands���

I have a photo for you that I thought should be seen by as many people as possible.

No, I didn�t take this shot.

It was taken by my friend, the aforementioned Zackal.

He has been playing with his digital camera a lot lately (also a Fuji), and he wanted me to check this one shot out.

I liked it so much, I though y�all should take a gander at it too:

Check out the tracers above the fire. He used a tripod for this shot, which was a very good idea.

I don�t know how many photos I have missed in the last year because I was too stubborn to latch the Fuji onto my tripod�

What else happened here today?

We hit a tag sale (re: overpriced rummage sale).

Bought nothing.

Hit Wallyworld.

Also Sam�s Club.

I cooked a large batch of jumbo-variety tomatoes (Brandywine, Super Steak, Big Boy) into pasta sauce. Sent a quart home with J-Rod and Zackal, and will freeze the rest (Yes, I really would like to can this stuff, but the PH is just to low to take the chance).

Lease did a major reclamation project on the basement. I hauled out everything she wanted removed, and assembled a Rubbermaid� shelving unit for her(between skinning and cooking tomatoes).

Oh yeah- and we watched one of the most boring football games we have ever sat through in our lives.

What about tomorrow?

Applesauce �(.2 �5 gallon bucket full of excellent drop apples await my attention), along with another Chicago Bears disgusting embarrassment and total humiliation and destruction (aka � loss to another football team in another primetime game).

Seems like it is a good time to call it quits, and head to my bed for a decent night of sleep right about now��

Antique - Futuristic

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