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Johnny Cash - "American IV - The Man Comes Around" (2002-Universal Records)...dark, sad (but great)last album from the legend

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Sunday, Sept. 21, 2003 - 4:35 p.m.

I�ll be walking in �this town� by this time tomorrow afternoon. And for the rest of the work week, for that matter�.I�ll leave you with a couple of photos and a short entry until I come back home�.

Last day before departure is always a laid-back affair here at Casa Roadiepig.

Lease and I slept in until 10 am.

Yes- 10 a.m.

Rubes, Sam, and Tyler showed up last night unexpectedly. No problem, because we really didn�t have anything going on anyway. They left around 11, and it took us another hour or so to make it to bed.

The extra sleep was nice. Having a 7+ hour drive ahead of me tomorrow means I need to be rested anyway.

I put together a box of this summer�s garden canning for them, and I also gathered a bag of hot peppers for Sam. He is one of those �You can make it too hot for me to eat!� kinda people. Since I always have way too many hot peppers, I was glad to fill a grocery bag for him.

He started playing around with a couple of the Big Jim hot peppers, and I had to take a shot or two of what he did with them. I can only post this one, though- I wanna kept this page PG-13:

His skin isn�t that red- just another example of playing around with my photo editing program.

Lease took the next photo. I made a dumb face (is there any other kind for me?), because Tyler did in several of the other shots we took last night. I figured he would do that once again, but he didn�t. Instead, you have me looking silly instead:

I used the �painting� feature of the Photo Impressions program to come up with this image�

One last shot- Lease, Rubes, and Tyler:

Tyler is out, living on his own now, and we don�t get to see much of him nowadays. I figured it was a good time to take his photo: it might be a while before we see him again�.

I didn�t let the ripe tomatoes go to waste. I didn�t feel like canning them, and I didn�t think I could give them all away, either.

I decided to just make juice out of them. This I changed into Bloody Mary mix with the addition of celery seed, Tabasco sauce, ground pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and salt. Simple, but good for mixing.

(BTW- I don�t want you to get the impression that we are lushes around here. The 8 pints of mix will be enough to carry Lease until next summer (she only gets the taste for one of these every so often). The grape juice is not just for mixing: I drank it for breakfast every day last week, too. Frozen lemonade works fine for a mixer, and we don�t always consume vodka anyway. Just so you don�t think that we are stumbling around drunk here everyday: we take a day off, every now and then ;)

I put this mix into quart freezer bags, with one pint of mix per bag. I didn�t think I could cram one more thing into the deep freeze, but Codeman came home from the grocery store with several microwave dinners. He doesn�t want to cook next week, and t.v.dinners are cheaper than eating out (he is still a little low on cash, only working 20 hours a week at the vets as of now).

Am I worried about how he will do with no parental units around?


He is 18 years old. I have to be able to let go, and I think he will do his best to take care of the house while we are gone.

So, that�s about it.

We are heading out to take Lease�s mom to dinner (her birthday is tomorrow).

Maverick Family Steakhouse.

Buffet dining at its finest.

Hey- it�s her birthday. She can choose any place that she likes. They do have large seating areas, too. Very important, when you get all of here children and grandchildren together for a meal�

I�ll be back soon. Hopefully, with plenty of Elvis sightings to pass along to you, too��..

Antique - Futuristic

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