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E'Nuff Z'Nuff - "1985 (1994- Big Deal Records)...just picked up the 4 cds by this band I didn't already own....

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Monday, Feb. 23, 2004 - 8:44 p.m.

Yes, they really do think we are all this stupid�.

No, I am not talking about Ralph �I am a viable candidate, damn it!� Nader and the people running his just-announced candidacy for the President of the United States.

I thought our governor (Little Big Man, here in North Dakota) was the most egotistical politician in America.

But old Ralphie showed him up bad this weekend.

I think what he said (when it was brought up that his running in the race during the last election swung enough votes to allow George Bush to win) over the weekend about why he was running shows just how enormous his ego is: �Over two thirds of the people in this country describe themselves as independents, and I am the candidate for the people who wish to declare their independence from corporate rule and its expanding domination.�

Or something like that.

What he fails to point out is why so many people don�t like to brand themselves either Republican or Democrat (my opinion of why, anyway): most find something they don�t like about either party�s ruling interests. Most, but not all, split their vote between each party every time they step into the voting booth, only giving their vote to THE INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE that they think best fits their viewpoint.

In other words- that �two thirds of the people in this country� aren�t gonna vote for any one person as a block.

So Ralph runs, and if he picks up enough votes, he becomes the �X-factor� once again.

No chance to win, plenty of opportunity to change the outcome of the election.

Just like he did in 2000. And Ross Perot did in 1992 and 1996 (especially 1992).

Enough politics- Here is what I was referring to in today�s title:

I was reading the latest sales flyer from my favorite supplier at work, W.W. Grainger this afternoon, when I noticed this little bit of insulting copy:

I guess in some areas, fluorescent light bulbs have to be recycled, instead of just tossed in the dumpster (as we are allowed to do here in Mohall). To do this more efficiently, the Onyx Waste Services Company has come up with a pre-paid packaging system for companies to use to recycle their dead bulbs.

In case you can�t read the fine print in this ad, here is the basics: you pay them $61.00, they give you a box that already has postage and a return address affixed to the side. You pack your bulbs, and then someone from UPS stops buy and picks up said box, which then gets delivered to the nearest Onyx landfill, where they toss the entire thing , unopened, into a hole along with your banana peals and other garbage.

Just kiddin�- I am sure they do a very complicated, expensive procedure that makes the bulbs shiny and new.

Please don�t sue me, Onyx Waste Services Company.

But that wasn�t what caught my eye.

No, it was the area I highlighted in the following photo:

Yes, that�s right- they thought it was important that you know that you have to provide YOUR OWN BULBS to pack inside of a cardboard box that they are charging you $61 , just for the joy of handling them for you. You have to use YOUR OWN BULBS, not THE BULBS THEY USED IN THE PHOTO, stoopid!

America- land of people so stoopid, they have to put EVERYTHING in writing for us���

Antique - Futuristic

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