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Prince - "Musicology" (2004 - Paisley Park/NPG Records)....He's back, and in rare form.....

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Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 - 5:36 p.m.

Sure�now it rains! other trivial problems from my Thursday...

Yes, it started raining around 10:45 this morning.

Couldn�t do it when we needed it for the gardens for the last 3 weeks now, could it? Have to give the contractor another excuse (no, I didn�t see any frogs choking)

I don�t even know if (or think) the concrete men even poured their small morning job. I do know they didn�t make it over here to form up our patio.

I figure around noon, they were on their third Budweiser.

I now have a pit of wet sand, with several areas holding standing water.

Just fuckin� great. The dogs already are in need of baths, and this will only add to the problem. There is no sense in even thinking about sudsing them up until the patio is finished.

If they don�t make it here tomorrow (HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I CRACK MYSELF UP!) I will have to buy a big blue tarp to cover the area for the weekend.

I have had about enough of the sandy paws for one lifetime�.

�Sandy Paws� would be a good name for boat captain in an adventure book.

Don�t you think?

More joy, courtesy of our 4-legged family members:

I am not a sound sleeper. If I make it through the night without needed more than 2 trips t the bathroom (damn old man�s prostate!), I consider it a good night of sleep.

What nobody wants to hear at 2 am is the sound of a large dog, trying to quietly throw up.

While he is sleeping at the end of your bed.

On your wife�s almost new, quilted bedspread.

Jay-dog did that for me last night.

I woke up enough to clean up the mess (hey look- he managed to even barf a little on the off-white rug on the floor below the bed!), and then took him outside. Eat some grass, quickly throw up whatever else is bothering you, and go back to bed.

He just went to the bathroom, and was ready to play.

Like I said- 2 a.m.

I took him back inside, and put him into his cage for the rest of the night. He was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Lease�s wake-up time on the alarm clock is 5:10.

At 4:50 , Jay-dog woke me again, retching in his cage. I sat up, and saw that he had managed to make a very small mess on the towel in the back of his cage. He immediately laid back down, and started sleeping again.

I figured he was done, and I also figured I better get the last hour or so of my sleep. When the alarm went off a few minutes later, I told Lease what had just happened, and told her to leave it for me to clean up.

I took Jay-dog out when my alarm went off (6:15 am), and then cleaned the mess.

What had caused his stomach distress?

A chunk of gauze bandage, complete with tape. About the size you would use to cover a finger or thumb injury!

Yeah, I know- GROSS!

Where he found this, I do not know.

He didn�t toss his cookies again today, so maybe this episode is over�

One last bit of happiness in my life:

The piss wagon was in the parking lot at work this morning when I pulled into the yard.

It�s been 13 months. The longest span we have had since the drug-testing program began in the early 90�s.

The low-bidders who now do this job had a brand new, camper type trailer.

I guess enough people complained about the cattle car they used last year (yes, a low-roofed, enclosed cattle hauler. Smelled like one, too).

They forgot to charge the battery for their Breathalyzer machine, and the spare wasn�t charged either. Since it took a special, VCR-type battery pack, they couldn�t just run down to the Huck�s and buy another one. For a little while, we thought they would just pack up and leave, but they ended up deciding to do the urinalysis part anyway.

Here�s the good part- they told us that if they could get one of the batteries charged today, they would stop back by and test us for alcohol usage tomorrow!

Guess I will have to skip my Friday morning 40 oz. bottle of Old English malt liquor this week��.

Antique - Futuristic

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