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Sunday, Aug. 15, 2004 - 8:23 p.m.

My upper legs are now a bright shade of pink�plus- a couple of photos of how our nephew Jay-Rod spent his �summer vacation�


Because I was too dumb to apply some sunscreen to them this afternoon.

Lease, Codeman, and I spent our Sunday enjoying the beautiful weather, roaring up and down the surface of B.A>C.E. Lake.

No, not in the Hillbilly boat. With only a trolling motor to propel it, roaring isn�t a possibility.

We were finally able to work things out where we could go out in the speed baot owned by Chelsea�s mom and dad. They have tried to get us out there all summer, but things just always got in the way.

Not today, though.

Let me say this, right up front- if I am on or near this body of water, I expect to be fishing.

They even told Chelsea to have me bring my tackle along. That way, I could fish while we sat in a cove eating or something.

No, I would do that. The purpose of this kind of boat is zipping up and down the water, maybe with a water skier towed behind the back. I wouldn�t impose my hobby onto this day.

That said- we had a blast!

The only person brave enough o water sky was Chelsea, and she did a fine job of fighting the wakes of other boats. I think she might have fell down 3 times? On accident, anyway.

Codeman tried to sky yesterday for the very first time, and couldn�t get the hang of getting up and going. I think he was still a little sore from all of the falls, so he didn�t want to try again today.

Especially in front of his parents.

We swam a little in one cove. Saw more Blue herons in one day that we have seen all year at N.P.P. Lake. Saw a bunch of totally white, smaller water birds that might have been juvenile Blues, or some totally different species of waterfowl.

Watched a pack of Turkey buzzards fight over the carcass of a very large dead carp on the bank from where we were swimming. Not that close to the boat- nobody would have been swimming anywhere near that mess. But watching the non Disney-fied �circle of life� play out in front of us was pretty cool.

My pink upper legs?

This was due to the fact that my swim trunks are about 8� shorter that the jean shorts I usually wear while fishing. The area not covered by the jeans is now a nice brown shade of tan down to where my knees bend. From that point down, my legs are still pretty pale (not as much exposure to sunlight there), until you reach my feet, which are also quite tanned.

But the area exposed today (for the first time this year) wasn�t ready for all of that direct sunlight.

I will be paying for my stupidity for the next couple of days�

We had a really good time talking with the Lovely Chelsea�s parents today.

We have done no more than say �Hi� to them for the 2+ years that they have been dating, so we didn�t know if we would have much to talk about.

No problem- they seem to have similar interests as us (her dad loves to fish, too- that�s a good thing), and Lease and Chelsea�s mom (Boni) had a good time exchanging �my kid� kind of stories.

If they do end up as husband and wife (seems like that might happen), we shouldn�t have any problems getting along with them�

Six Feet Under just started, and Lease wants me watching it with her.

I really don�t think much of this show (too dark and depressing- not one of HBO�s better efforts), but I always watch it with her anyway.

So I better get off of this thing.

I will leave you with one of the photographs that our nephew Jay-rod took while doing his �2 weeks a year� portion of his National Guard duty.

He spent it in the mountains of Bulgaria, training with larger weapons.

Not anywhere near the Middle East. I hope it stays that way for his unit, too.


He brought over a couple of those Walgreen�s drug store photo discs of his shots. They didn�t turn out too bad, considering they were taken with bargain disposable cameras.

Here is one view of the mountains, taken from a little distance back (if you want the exact location of this shot, you might have to clear it with the government. I say that, because I have already forgotten the name of the town he was stationed in):

I think he was supposed to be wearing his helmet in this exercise, but since nobody was shooting back at him, I guess it is ok that it is resting next to him on the Humvie:

I still amazes me that they trust him with big guns ;)

Antique - Futuristic

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