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April 08, 2002 - 9:52 p.m.

Yes, I consumed some food today. And, who�s making jam in April?

I didn�t mean to worry anyone with my entry yesterday when I mentioned that I hadn�t eaten much. I sometimes have weekend days like that. I get out of my daily, regimented routine and sometimes skip a meal here and there.

It just so happened that I ate way too much Saturday night (dinner at 8:30 pm, for goodness sake! Did I really just type that? �For goodness sake?� Shoot me now �..We usually eat our dinner here around 5:30, not 8:30), slept the sleep of a wanted man, and didn�t get up feeling like cooking a big breakfast. Lunch came late (2 pm, with the new daylight savings time). By the time we left Wallyworld, I wasn�t in the mood to eat anything. It was already 6 pm, so no supper.

I did eat a piece of pie last night, downing it with a nice glass of cold milk.

Skim, if you are keeping score.

I ate more or less like I usually do today, so I don�t think you have to worry about me losing my middle-aged figure too soon�..

Lease called in sick today. Your shocked as me, I�m sure.

She didn�t feel great all day yesterday, and woke with a splitting headache and a upset tummy.

I offered to stay home with her (my sick time is built up pretty high, and I can use it whenever I need to for sickness-in-family), but she wanted me to go to work in case Codeman�s baseball game wasn�t rained out.

That point was moot by 9 am. The sky opened with biblical fury, dumping copious amounts of rain over the fruited plain.

Well, it rained anyway. I had already put in to leave at 2 for his game, so I just went home instead.

What did I do?

I stopped by Kroger and picked up a few things we didn�t buy at Wallyworld.

And I bought a half-flat of California-grown, peak-of-the-season strawberries.

That works out to about 6 heaping pints of berries. They were so ripe; you could smell the luscious aroma as soon as you stepped inside the store.

That�s unusual with store-bought strawberries, to say the least.

Why did I buy so many berries?

To make a batch of jam, of course.

Why not wait for locally grown, ripe berries in season? Well, we don�t have any U-pick patches anymore, and nobody in the county grows them to sell in the farmer�s markets anymore, either. I am really too busy to make jam in late May-early June with getting my garden settled in, too.

These berries were as good as any I could get � somewhat locally� grown next month, anyway.

I always make a batch or two of strawberry jam every year. If you ask 50 people �What kind of jam would you like from my pantry?�, 45 of them ask for strawberry.

It�s my favorite, too. Well, maybe just behind the peach jam I get from fruit off of my trees. I wait until they are almost fully ripe, and then fight the squirrels to get my share of the harvest.

But strawberry jam is still damn good.

Every time I make jam, I have the possibility of screwing things up. It�s really up to the pectin and fruit to decide how well the final product sets up. Sometimes you end up with a jam so thick you have to cut it with a knife. Sometimes, it is just right.

And sometimes it ends up a thin and runny spread.

Or, as I like to call it, �ice cream topping�.

It all gets eaten, one way or the other��.

Antique - Futuristic

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