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Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002 - 7:02 p.m.

94% free of stuff about�well, you know what today is, don�t you?

I�ll start you off with a photo from this morning�s local paper:

If you look closely, you can see what is left of the attenuator smushed to the front grill of the semi. The state driver was in the road, flagging (since the truck in front of him had broken down), saw that the semi wasn�t going to stop (hard to hit your brakes when your eyes are closed, sawing logs), and dove for the ditch. He only had minor injuries.

The semi driver refused treatment. He also was given two tickets, including a ticket for a new law that comes with a $500 fine for not obeying an emergency vehicles traffic control.

If you see an arrow telling you to move left, you might want to do just that�.

I promised yesterday that I wouldn�t join in with the masses today and watch replay after replay of the xxxxxx hitting the xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx , I have done a pretty good job of it (so far, that is).

I didn�t turn the radio on today. Not once. Not in my truck, not in the tool room, and not when I was running errands at work today.

I tried to get my morning wake-up fix, but that proved to be impossible.

I always start my morning by eating a bowl of cereal in the Lazy-Boy� while watching a full 10 minutes of weather and sports on the telly. I always start with the local ABC channel. They give the weather about every 3 minutes early in the day. I then switch over to ESPN to catch a few scores. I usually get to see the �Top 10 plays� segment, since it is shown at the same time every day.

I turned on the Sharp�, and hit the remote control for channel 7.

There was our local morning anchorwoman, as usual.

She was dressed from head to toe in black.

Not a good sign.

The first thing out of her mouth was �One year ago today,��

I hit the remote to channel 25.

Good old ESPN. You can always count on them for a little mindless ball every morning.

Oh, look- it�s Joe Torre, manager of the New York Yankees. He�s telling the camera about all of the firemen and policemen that he once knew who died last�..

Next up, VH1.

Nothing like a music video to take your mind off of the day.

Nope. One of the vj�s, standing near Ground Zero, is explaining�

I tried the local ABC channel one more time.

A local preacher is singing (at the top of his lungs) �God Bless America�.

I turned the t.v. off.

Mind you, this was at 5 freakin� 45 in the morning!!!

I only had the tube warm for about 5 minutes, and this is what I was bombarded with.

Please don�t flame me with hate mail, asking how I can be so insensitive , or if I hate my country or something. That is not why this affected me this way.

Like I said yesterday (and I stole the line from a woman I saw interviewed on the street in N.Y.C.) : �I don�t believe in picking at scabs. Let the wound heal�.

No, that don�t mean I have forgot what happened. I remember it all too well.

But an overdose of video playbacks and first-person accounts won�t change any of that.

Our local paper had a full color, 8-page pull out advertising section for remembering last year�s events. Somehow, they were able to convince local businesses that it would be a good idea to attach their company name to a photo of �well, you get the idea.

Trying to get new customers with the blood of the fallen. To me, that is just sick��

I got my new issue of Rolling Stone magazine today. The cover stated �Rock is Back!�

This, from the mag that managed to put both Brittany�s navel and the Backstreeters on the cover twice each in the last 12 months!

The bands mentioned on the front are a pretty good representation of the return to rock-based music. All have had both commercial success and critical acclaim.

And I like them all, to one degree or another.

The bands R.S. listed are The White Stripes, The Hives, The Strokes, and The Vines. A lot of �The� bands, isn�t there?

Oh yeah, somebody will like the fact that Guns �n Roses made the cover, too. Something about them playing live. I will know more, when I read it, yes?

If you are a fan of rock music, you have also probably heard of them all.

So, today, since I haven�t reviewed any cds here recently, I thought I would mention a few new bands that have also been spending time in my cd players. They have all been released in the last 10 months, and might have slipped under the radar�.

The Flying Tigers � �The Flying Tigers�( 2002- Atlantic Records): A great , hard power-pop album from a band that channels the ghost of Cheap Trick, circa 1977. With former members of both Frankie Machine (their only release was one of my favorite albums from 2000) and Powerman5000 (ok, I could pass on them) musically they are as hard as any new rock band, but they actually sing melodies in key! And they don�t whine about their parents abusing them or anything! My favorite album from the past 3 months, bar none.

Audiovent � �Dirty, Sexy Knights in Paris� (2002- also on Atlantic Records): Jason Boyd�s band (brother of Brandon Boyd of Incubus) also likes the hard rock, and they also write melodic music. A good �driving� album, with nary a slow clunker on the disc. Fans of Incubus might not see the similarity between the brothers, but should like the album anyway.

Psoma � �Fear the Penguin!� (2002- Amherst House Records) Besides having the funniest title of any album this year, this disc also has Justin Fisher on guitar and vocals. Who, you ask? He grew up with Rivers Cuomo, and even played in one of his early bands. They don�t sound that much like Weezer, but still have that So-Cal kinda rock going on. �Fell� is getting some airplay on rock radio stations, so you might have already heard this band. If not, click on the link. I think they have sound files there for your enjoyment.

jon dee graham � �hoorah for the moon� (2001- New West Records): Somehow, I have missed out on this roots-rocker in the past, even though he has released 2 other albums besides this one. With a hoarse voice that has seen too many cigarette-filled bars, he plays his guitar and kicks around his personal demons. Click on the link for sounds, and listen to the song �Laredo (small dark something)�. Hear the anger in his vocals. Something the fans of Tom Petty or Joe Ely might enjoy. Oh yeah, even sings a little in Spanish, if you want different.

Congrats if you made it all the way down to here.

I know I ramble on more than usual today, but I thought I would give you something besides what�s on all the channels to help you pass the time.

If anybody actually clicks on the links and listens to any of the albums I wrote about, let me know what you think, o.k.?

Antique - Futuristic

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