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2001-12-26 - 5:20 p.m.

Well, another Christmas season has come and gone.

Did it seem to fly by for you, too?

It might have something to do with the unusually mild weather up until last week. Without any cold, snowy weather to put us in the mood, the whole month just flew by.

Oh well, Christmas Eve and Christmas day went well for us.

That�s not to say that everything went perfectly for us. Anytime you get all of Lease�s sisters and her half-brother in the same building there will be some sort of problem. This year Jules just decided she didn�t want to deal with her mom, so she just didn�t show up.

I guess that wouldn�t qualify as a major problem, but Ruby was upset that Jules didn�t come to her house for dinner. Without telling too much about Lease�s childhood, I will let you know that Jules was the person who had to be the parent in the house. Lease�s mom wasn�t capable of being the adult-in-charge. It�s that simple.

So, without Jules being there, it didn�t seem like a �real� family event. At least that is how it felt to me.

Ruby said that the next time we are to have a family event at her house Jules will be the invited one.

Since this is my in-law family, this isn�t my decision. But it seems like the right one to me�..

I am not one of those anti-smoking zealots. You all know that, right?

Sam knows that Codeman and I have asthma, so he asked all of the smokers to stay in the kitchen when they smoked. That way his den wouldn�t fill with a cloud of Marlboro Lights� second-hand smoke.

With 8 smokers in the house, that didn�t seem like too much to ask.

The Wall (Lease�s half-bro) and her mom both smoked in the den. Since it was around 10 degrees all day, going outside for fresh air wasn�t too good an option with the head and chest cold I am fighting right now. There really wasn�t any part of the house where I could get away from the fumes.

So I just sat there and enjoyed the fine tobacco aroma that only a bunch of pre-smoked Marlboro� cigarettes can give you.

I spent most of last night trying to clear my sinuses good enough to fall asleep. I didn�t have much luck. This morning, I had to bring up some nice bloody mucus from my lungs (not a pretty visual, I know�sorry), and then I was on my way to work.

I tell you this much: if I didn�t have the tool room job, I would have burned some sick time this morning. Almost all of the guys were on a crack patching crew today. That would have included me before I took over the tool room last year.

Walking pneumonia would have been the result of a day of walking behind the tar pot in the �10 degree wind chill we enjoyed here today.

Instead, I stayed at my desk most of the day. It might have been only 60 degrees in there, but that is better than �10.

Lease gets off tonight at 5 p.m. and we are leaving directly to pick up a few after-Christmas bargains. We always pick up cards, wrapping paper, bows and such the day after Christmas.

Since we are damn near broke, I don�t think we will be buying much. But with things up to 75% off, we can�t afford to stay away, either.

So I will sign off here.

Be back tomorrow, hopefully at least partially healed from this head and chest cold.

Maybe if I have a good night sleep I will be able to write something half-way interesting then��.

Antique - Futuristic

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