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April 06, 2002 - 10:55 p.m.

A LOOOOONG doubleheader, and an album you just HAVE to hear�.

I am really running late today. Codeman�s baseball games started late today (1:30, due to state-wide ACT college exam testing), so I will keep the news short and to the point.

Codeman didn�t play today, so the results of the games aren�t important.

Ok, I�ll tell you anyway. They split the two games with Jacksonville, winning game one 11-7, then losing the second game 6-5.

A split isn�t bad, except Jacksonville�s record is now 1-8.

Yeah, we left them happy. They finally won a game.

Here is a picture of Codeman coaching first base. He wants to be involved, so he was the base coach for most of the innings when we were batting��..

Yeah, I know it�s a fuzzy, crummy photo. My digital camera doesn�t have a zoom lens, so I had to crop and blow up this shot just so you could see him. Next week, if my new digital shows up, I will be able to get much closer to the action�..

This week�s album review�..

comes with the fall��the year is one�--(2001�DVL Recordings)---I first heard about this band through one of those �Etc.� album review columns in Rolling Stones magazine last month. The reviewer praised this album as the perfect hard rock album, which is a good way to get my attention. After finding their website and downloading a few sound clips, I could understand why. I sent away for my own copy, and I haven�t taken it out of my cd player since.

How to describe this band? Well, hard rock is a good place to start, but that is too easy. The first few times you listen, you come away with the impression that this album could have come out at anytime in the last 3 decades. They are not afraid to wear their influences on their sleeves, but never sound like they are just co-opting other�s styles. The song �so cruel� starts off with grungy, sly vocals that remind me of another one of my favorites, King�s X, but when the tune kicks into the chorus it changes styles completely, with William Duvall�s vocals reaching an emotional peak over his scorching guitar work. �since I laid eyes on you� (yes, all of the songs, as well as the band�s name is in lower case) has Duvall singing in several different ways. When he hits the high, soaring chorus, he reminds me of Freddie Mercury at his best, yet when he sings � I can�t shake, I can�t shake the pain� during the bridge, he becomes much more angry and guttural, showing that he really CAN'T shake the pain. Adam Stanger�s bass starts the lovely �waiting out the breakdown�, first as the lead instrument, then as the driving force of the song. This song really shows the band it it�s mellow best (mellow for them, at least). Bevan Davies drumming is never over the top, but he really pushes the band rhythmically�listen to the song �smashdown� and you�ll see what I mean.

Like I said before, I can recommend this cd to anyone who enjoys rock music with a spine. I found out (from their web page) that they had another release that is now out-of-print. I will have to do whatever I can to hunt a copy of it down for my collection.

As of now, the only place you can buy the fine cd is directly from the band. Click here to listen to the sound clips, and go to their merchandise page to pick up your own copy. It�s available for only $10, shipping included.

Like I have preached here before, you can�t find the best music if all you buy is what the major labels shove down your throat. This band deserves to be a major success. I hope they make it there. If you are a fan of hard rock, it will be the best 10 bucks you spend this year��.

Photo courtesy of wildlupin. Check her home page out. She has shot some excellent photographs of her favorite local bands (including cwtf). Like the band, a larger audience should see her work.

What, you haven�t gone to their site yet?

What are you waiting for?

Go now���........

Antique - Futuristic

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