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Wednesday, May. 29, 2002 - 8:01 p.m.

T�was the night before scoping, and I am not feeling very creative�...

I think I have been rather prolific in writing my �journal� lately, but today? I just don�t have anything to say.

Lease, Codeman, and I ate dinner out tonight. Since they warned me about eating anything after midnight, I figured I would eat a good dinner early, and then have a desert around 10 pm. That should give my screwed-up stomach time to clear itself out, don�t you think?

Conversation wasn�t snappy at the table. Codeman kept bringing up tomorrow, and telling me stories about dogs that ate before surgery, causing complications for all involved.

Don�t need to hear those right now, thank you��.

I caught up on my weed pulling at work. I started at 7:15 and worked until starting time (7:30).

I ate my lunch in 5 minutes, and then spent the next 25 minutes yanking the vine weed, weed grass, and other stray annoyances from my long vegetable bed.

The onions are the hardest to weed. I plant them in square feet, 9 plants per, and that leaves little room for my hands to reach in and work. Onions don�t like to have their roots disturbed, and they suffer about as bad as any other crop from competition from other plants.

I spent the most time working this area. I pulled a few Vidalia plants for the kitchen, too. Since this variety doesn�t get very large this far north, they set their bulbs early, limiting the final harvest.

That is why I pulled some today. They had already started forming their small bulbs. Just the right size to chop, green and all, and make into a beef or pork stir fry.

I also harvested a bag full of cilantro. Since this is a volunteer crop (I will plant more seeds later), the first warm weather triggers it to start seed production. It happened in the last week, causing thin stalks to shoot up from the small, bushy plants.

This will be cleaned, stems removed, and chopped up for later use.

Sounds like I�m harvesting marijuana, not cilantro�..

Last night, while sorting through all the photos I shot this weekend, I came across the following frame.

Now, maybe I just have a goofy sense of humor, but the minute I saw what the camera had captured I just KNEW what the caption for the photo should be.

�Damn, Cleatus, I just don�t get it. One minute, we�s slaying the bass. The next? Nothin�!�

The reason for the bass boat sitting where it did is simple: the course is a 1.25 miles long oval. Since accidents and flip-overs can happen anywhere along the course, rescue boats and divers are scattered all along the way. There were at least 15 boats sitting around the �infield� during the racing.

Now, don�t bet me wrong: that DOESN�T mean these two weren�t a bit confused anyway.

I am just guessing that they were there on official business, and not missing from the local B.A.S.S. fishing tourney�..

Antique - Futuristic

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