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Thursday, May. 30, 2002 - 3:45 p.m.

Hey, I�m still here, so that�s a good sign�.

Yeah, I went in for the sigmoidoscopy procedure today, also know as �swallow the medical snake.

Like all trips to the hospital, this one , frankly, sucked.

The admission desk was running behind, I sat for over an hour on a gurney, with an i.v. inserted, waiting on my turn to get rolled into the hallway.

Once there, I waited another 30 minutes.

Can you believe it? My blood pressure was high by the time they hooked the monitors up in the operating room.

Who�d a thunk?

The doctor was getting ready for my joyride when, wouldn�t you guess? He had to leave for an emergency on one of the patients he had already worked on that morning.

So, all taped, turned, gagged and ready to go (minus the last second drugs, at least), and he leaves.


Maybe another 30 minutes later he returned. In go the drugs. You know, the �good ones� that everyone told me about? The ones that don�t knock you out but block you from feeling anything or remembering what happens next?


I think they gave me the economy dose, because I was well aware of all that happened. I closed my eyes, so at least I didn�t see it, too.

I know I had some trouble letting the scope work it�s way down, because the doctor kept yelling to me �Relax!�, over and over again.

It must have been about then when the drugs really kicked in, because I am a little hazy after that. I know that they mentioned that I didn�t have any polyps or growths (yeah!), and that I had a minor hiatal hernia.

After that, they pulled the tube out and rolled me back into the prep area, where I was subjected to ingesting unsweetened applesauce as a condition for my release.

Lease was there for everything that she could be, and they brought her back into the recovery area as soon as they could. She knew I was ready to leave, so she asked them what I had to do to be released. They said it was up to me: whenever I felt good enough, I could go.

I was still a little light-headed, but the offered me a chance to escape and I took it.

Oh yeah, between the �applesauce� and my escape, the doctor stopped by to check on me.

He repeated the facts to me (small hernia, but not in need of any surgery. No polyps, no blah blah).

Here is what he recommended for me:

1.Prop the bed up on blocks. (Not crazy about that, but will give it a shot. After all, I got rid of the waterbed mattress, didn�t I? That was my family doctor�s advice)

2.Cut back on almost every food that makes life worth living. I already eat a lot of fruits and veggies, so all that is left is removing, oh , I don�t know, how about all caffeine, all soda pop, greasy or fatty foods, chocolate, citrus fruits, and��.



Yeah, fine .......I can do all that.

Just shoot me know and get it over with, ok?

Look, I gave up pot to keep my job many years ago.

I severely cut back on salt (usually, anyway) due to high blood pressure. I cut back on sugars to help keep my weight down. I eat a carton of yogurt per day for the benefits.

So, why not start attacking the last few things I enjoy.

I have actually been doing well on the medication program he started me on last month (Previcid in morning, Zantac in evening).

I will try to prop up the bed. I will see about knocking off 10 or 15 pounds.

But take away my tomatoes? No way.

Aren�t they good for preventing prostate cancer?

First the late frost, and now the doctor.

Leave my tomatoes alone�..

Fun fact of the day: Did you know that 10% of the adult population of America has acid reflux DAILY?

Well, now you do. I read that in one of the pamphlets the Dr. gave Lease������.

Enough whining already!

Sorry about that.

I�ll behave now�

So, after getting home and letting Lease feed me some lunch, I have spent the rest of the afternoon trying to digest (bad pun) the new music I have picked up the last week or so.

I usually try to just absorb one new album (from a favorite musician, anyway) at a time, playing it over and over until I know what I think of it.

That wasn�t possible this week. I have been waiting for the release of both Moby�s �18� and Weezer�s �Maladroit� since I knew when they would be out. Add to that the fact I finally picked up copies of local fav Adam Schmitt�s �Demolition� and jazz guitarist Ken Navarro�s �Slow Dance� from CDNow just before that, and I have been in a quandary.

I have been hopping back and forth between all 4 cds. All are great, all have different things to offer to my eclectic tastes.

Today, Moby and Adam Schmitt have been taking turns in the cd player.

The other two will have to wait until later this evening I guess�

Hey, did anyone make it all the way down here?

If you did, I will tell you something you didn�t know about me before: I cannot keep my feet still. I am one of those annoying foot tapers.

Maybe that is why I love music so much, even at my old age?

Did anyone else see what I saw in the photo I posted yesterday?

Just wondering��

Tomorrow, Codeman and I are supposed to be taking a short campout. Lease has the baby shower for our niece to take up her whole Saturday, so we planned this outing months ago.

Since then, it has rained. Have I mentioned this before?

So our big local lake is 18 feet above normal. The fish aren�t biting. The campgrounds are abandoned.

What to do?

Why, drive to my favorite home-away-from-home, Carbondale, what else?

We won�t even take the tent. The high tomorrow and Saturday there is predicted to be around 85�, with scattered storms.

The Holiday Inn is only $65 a night, and they have a pool and running water.

Lease is cool with this, btw.

See why I love her so?

Antique - Futuristic

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