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Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002 - 8:19 p.m.

More canning today�plus, more photos from the weekend�.

The first batch of salsa is completed. Took all of the large ripe tomatoes I had, plus a bunch of the �grape tomatoes� that I started this spring.

They aren�t the �grape tomatoes� that you pay so much for at the green grocer. They call them that, but they are really just an undersized Roma, or paste-type tomato.

They taste fine, but are meatier than the real thing, and have much less juice.

They produce like crazy, too. That was one reason why the ended up in the mix.

This batch will go in the pantry labeled as �medium�. A little heat, but only lightweights should avoid it.

I also found time to throw together a batch of spiced peach jam, using the few Elbertas that I salvaged from the tree rats last weekend. They were starting to go bad, a few at a time, so I figured I better do something with them today. The jam has allspice, cloves, and cinnamon added to the usual recipe.

Yes, I did all this after work.


I know.

The month of August is always a little wild for this gardener. Everything you planted and planned for seems to become ripe at the same time. I will (if lucky) be able to put back almost as much salsa this season as I did last year. That would work out to around 125 pints, canned at about 10-18 jars at a time.

And almost all of it will be done this month.

Now you see why we try to take our vacation every year in August��.

While walking around downtown during the celebration on Sunday, Lease and I bumped into one of our old friends from the ballpark that Codeman played baseball for, years back. He is one of those guys who always gives his time to the improvement of youth sports, and without people like him there wouldn�t be any sports programs for the kids.

He also was the reason why I was on the park board for 6 years.

No, not the PARK BOARD, as in the big shots who decide how money gets spent and hires and fires employees.

No, I meant the park board, where a few parents and volunteers meet every month and plan out the local park�s athletics schedules and such.

I was in charge of the umpires. Just the young ones. The 12-year-olds who called balls and strikes for the 6-year olds.

I enjoyed the time I was on the board, but when we moved Codeman to the other side of town I was ready for a break. The park he finished up his Pony baseball in had a huge board, and didn�t need any more help.


But Sunday, our old friend had a favor to ask of us. I told him �sure, if we can fit it in�.

He needed scorekeepers and someone to run the scoreboard for this weekends men�s fast pitch softball state tourney.

Uh, yeah.

I said we could help him if it was before Saturday, because that is the day we start our vacation. We will be at the State fair that day, and then Sunday we will need to pack and prepare the house and such for leaving on Monday.

He called me last night- he wants us to do a doubleheader on Thursday night.

We�ll do it, but neither Codeman nor I know squat about fast pitch softball.

Scoring is scoring, me said. He wants us to arrive about � hour early so he can show us what we need to know before the games start.

I just know I will miss an out or something, and have a bunch of guys with huge upper bodies chasing me around with aluminum bats.

At least that�s what I fear���

Here are the last photos from the celebration.

The first one is of Jerry Reed. It was taken as he was just entering the stage area. The sun was so intense; I couldn�t adjust my digital enough to make any of the shots I took of him performing look right. The background is blazing white, and his band and he are way too dark.

Take my word for it: he was funny, and the music (even thought it was �gasp � Country music) was pretty good. I had almost forgot how many hits he had crossover to the pop charts when I was a youngster:

The next one is the Canadian rock band, Loverboy.

For some reason, I don�t remember them looking quite like this in the videos they played of them on MTV back in the 80�s:

O.K., no more kiddin�. This was a group of musicians and dancers that went by the name of �Toby Foyeh and Orchestra Africa�. They play a pretty good mix of tribal afro-beats and modern musical instruments, in case you are wondering�.

Sorry, Bingoguy,I won�t make any more jabs at Mike Reno and company�..

Here is a decent picture I shot of them. I still haven�t goit the hang of using the digital in low light. This was one of the few without somebody moving and leaving themselves just a blur:

So that�s it. Another weekend of free entertainment, too much fried food, and reacquainting ourselves with friends from the past.

Hot weather be damned, we spent many hours walking the streets of our old downtown.

Can�t wait for the next chapter of this story,coming next August���

Antique - Futuristic

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