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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002 - 9:37 p.m.

FATSO?!? You called me FATSO??�.plus update on yesterday�s accident�..

I will start you with the update:

The driver of our truck was released from the hospital this afternoon. He has at least one broken bone in his foot (middle toe middle bone- forgot all my high school anatomy lessons) and his left thumb is also broken. It will be next Tuesday before they can set his foot in a real cast (he has a temporary one for now), and at least 6 weeks before they can even start rehab. They want him to use a walker to get around until then, and don�t want him to put any weight on his foot until the 6 weeks are over.

The passenger is still in the hospital. It seems his back injuries were a little worse than originally thought. He has some compression in a couple of discs in his lower back, and cannot stand up without serious pain. They still had him waiting on a specialist when I last called, 3 hours ago. He still thinks he will go home today, but he won�t be doing anything but bed rest for the next week or so. At that time, they will reevaluate his condition.

This whole thing sucks royally (to use technical terms).

It turns out the accident didn�t go down quite the way we first thought, either.

Take a look at the photo below:

Yeah, the skid marks were 170 feet long.

But they didn�t start until AFTER the dickhead in the other truck HIT OUR TRUCK!

He was traveling at least 75mph. Our truck was going 45. Let�s say he was just doing 75. That would be the same collision as hitting a sitting object at 30 mph, WITHOUT HITTING YOUR BRAKES!

No wonder he did so much damage!

You can see the salt spread all over the pavement in this shot. At the front of the photo, you can see where HIS transmission hit the pavement, right as he hit our truck. The fluids are from that transmission�

The next photo shows the damage done to the other driver�s truck. The driver, BTW, was treated and released yesterday. He came out of the wreck better than either of our guys (�natch):

This photo shows how compressed the driver�s side of our truck ended up, after the wreck. You can see why it took over two hours to extricate him from the wreck�

That�s enough downer news for one day��

Now, to explain the �fatso� comment�.

One of the full-time hourly employees gets on my nerves.

I know I really shouldn�t care, but this guy is the epitome of what I DON�T like about the �holier-than-thou� people in our society.

He can be even a little mildly entertaining, at times. He is one of those people who can carry an entire conversation, all by himself, if nobody else is in the mood to converse.

The only problem is��..

Everything he discusses is shaded by his Pentecostal beliefs.

Point of fact:

He is always getting on the other guys about their eating habits. He is convinced that cooking ANY food in a microwave oven will cause death.

�If GOD wanted us to cook with microwaves, he would have given them to us many years ago,� he told me one time.

Doesn�t matter what it is: popcorn, a sandwich, or your leftover roast from last night. ANYTHING cooked this way isn�t GOD�S WAY!

He is also dead-set against anything sold as �Lite�.

GOD made sugar, and that�s good enough for him. Anything else is man-made, and MUST be bad for you!!!


Today, he came in off of the road, and he brought a store-bought lunch with him.

It was two slices of the greasiest, saturated fat-laden pizza that you have ever seen.

As he was drooling over his lunch, I asked him if THAT was what �GOD� wanted him to eat.

He told me that it was all-natural, and was fine to eat. No man-made sweeteners or additives (HAH!) were in his slabs of �good-for-you� food.

I told hin the following:

�If your body is a temple, then what you are eating is sending it to the gutter�.

He didn�t like that, so he said�..

�Shut up, fatso!�


I think I heard that name used in an old �Our Gang� short from the 30�s, but haven�t seen it used much since.

Oh well�at least I �got his goat� (to use another old saying�.)

That�s a good sign�I�m back to my sarcastic self, eh?

I wish y�all a Happy Turkey day, and hope that there are no family disagreements to fuck up your day.

I don�t plan on having any of them here at casa Roadiepig, anyway�..

Antique - Futuristic

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