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Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 - 8:07 p.m.

Does he really believe what he says?

(Warning! The following are my views on information that has come out of Iraq in the past 14 hours or so. All of the information comes from reliable sources, not a news source that has an axe to grind or a 'master' to report to. If you know what I mean. Long entry, but photos near the end make up for all of the war news {I hope, anyway})

Did you catch the performance by the Iraqi minister of Dis-information Mohammad Said Sahhaf this morning?

Here are just a few of the pearls of wisdom he dropped on reporters today:

"Don't believe these invaders and these liars," he said.

"There are none of their troops in Baghdad. There are no American troops in Baghdad.�

"They do not even have control of themselves. They are sick."

"We killed them, we made them drink poison and taught them a lesson that history will never forget."

And he said all of this with a straight face, smoke rising in the background behind his rooftop press conference.

If he somehow avoids being �Tomahawked� until this war ends, he has a future in Hollywood. Only a tremendous actor could say those lines with total sincerity like he did with U.S. troops around the block, being interviewed on camera on another news channel at the same time�.

I also heard that they positively identified the remains of the man known as �Chemical Ali�.

This cousin of Saddam H. is credited for giving the orders to use chemical weapons on Kurds in Northern Iraq back in the early 90�s, killing somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 people (depending on which source you read).

Good riddance�.

I heard on NPR today that their reporter had been with U.S. forces near Baghdad when they had found a cache of 20 medium-range missiles loaded with potent chemical warheads, including sarin and mustard gas.

I thought they didn�t have any of these things in Iraq?

One last piece of damning news today from Reuters news

Major Michael Hamlet of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division said earlier that initial tests on substances found at a military training camp in central Iraq revealed levels of nerve agents sarin and tabun and the blister agent lewisite.

I just don't understand how this can be! Everyone involved in the government in Iraq has stated, over and over again, that they had destroyed these deadly (banned) chemicals years ago. They had just lost the paperwork on where and when, but they promised they didn�t have any of this crap anymore.


The police fired rubber bullets at anti-war protesters who tried to block a port in Oakland today (this is also from a Reuter�s News report)

I think that is the first time that authorities have used anything stronger than Billy club on marchers.

Why did it come to this?

According to Oakland mayor Jerry Brown (yeah, that Jerry Brown- the one who was California�s Governor/Linda Ronstadt�s boyfriend back in the late 1970�s. Known as being counter-culture ever since he entered the political arena back in the early 70�s):

�Groups were coming to take over the ports, all right, now that's not acceptable. .... Police, in the line of fire there reacted in the best way they know how. You've got some pretty violent people there, those fellows who put on black masks and picked up big rocks. One guy took a slab of concrete and threw it at one of the officers," said Brown.

Don�t sound like �peaceful protesters� to me.

Sounds more like anarchists.

Freedom of speech doesn�t include the right to cause physical or property damage to someone or something you disagree with.

Your not gonna pick up any new converts to the movement this way�..

Alright, that�s the end of my �Today in the war� entry.

Sorry if writing about this situation angers or brings you down. I just thought that the past day or so has been the most interesting, news-wise, of the entire last 3 weeks.

Makes me wonder what will come out tomorrow�.

Enough death and darkness.

I think I should show you a couple of spring photos to make up for all the war news�.

I took these shots on Saturday, before the cold settled in. I don�t know if the nectarine blossoms survived the cold last night (29�), or weather they will make it through the next two days (28� and 30� the next two predicted overnight lows)

They were looking fine Saturday�

The next photo is now the wallpaper on my computer monitor. I figured it was time to take down the shot of Tony Bonehead, standing in the heaviest snowfall of the season last December, and to put something up to reflect the season:

That cheer things up here any?

Tonight�s supper (since Codeman�s game was canceled due to the rain and cold):

Hand-breaded (my hands) chicken tenders and Red cod filets.

Tempura battered red bell pepper, onion, and mushroom slices (plus a couple small chunks of the cod dipped in the same batter).

Fried hushpuppies (from the freezer case)

Oven-fried russet potatoes (had to cut the oil down somewhere, right?)

Not the most nutritious meal, but mighty tasty.

With the running around involved in keeping up with Codeman�s baseball practices and games, it gets harder than ever to find time to cook a real meal this time of the year.

Thanks to the rain, I found time tonight.


I�m thinking spaghetti, but that is �subject to change� (of our minds, that is ;)

Antique - Futuristic

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