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Skunk Anansie - "Post Argasmic Chill" (1999- Virgin Records) Hard rock, with an angry-sounding black woman singing the lead ..

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Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 - 6:55 p.m.

A bunch of photos of the local Saucer Magnolia (variety: magnolia soulangian)�..

Tony Bonehead is showing no long-lasting effects from his �mauling� yesterday

I think the big boys expected to go for another walk this evening (after all, I had taken them 3 times already this week), but I didn�t. Lease wants me to take both dogs when she can walk with me, and she just isn�t feeling up to it quite yet.

I did 35 minutes on the treadmill instead. Jay-dog even laid down on the floor near me, while I was exercising. He has never done that before tonight. I don�t know why he finally decided that the treadmill wasn�t there to eat him, but I�m glad he did.

Since it is Friday evening, I won�t keep you long. Lease is doing most of her housework tonight (with a little help from me), so she can have tomorrow free for the baby shower of J-Rod�s �lovechild�, and the big Prince concert tomorrow night.

No photos from that, unfortunately. No cameras allowed.

So I will just leave you with several of the photos I managed to take while walking the dogs yesterday. They all show Saucer Magnolia trees, blooming in the neighborhood.

These trees are growing on the northern-most extent of their range. For this reason, most years we never get to see their blooms. They swell up with the first warm weather each spring, and then get zapped by a late frost or freeze. This causes the tree to drop its unopened buds. Late cold = no blooms.

I really don�t remember the area around our home having so many of these trees. I�m sure that is because they haven�t bloomed more than a couple of times in the 9 years we have lived here.

This shot was taken aiming the camera to the west, capturing the late afternoon setting sun:

The flowers on these trees have been open for about a week, so the pink color has faded somewhat in the petals. That doesn�t mean they aren�t still attractive- just not as bright:

A close-up of the blooms:

I think I shot 12 photos to get one that was (somewhat) centered and in focus. Amazing how mush having two 75+ pound dogs pulling on each wrist can do to mess up a photograph�

Last shot: The owners of this house have decorated their Magnolia with plastic Easter eggs, hung with ribbons from the lower branches. It really looks nice, but this photograph doesn�t really capture the effect:

Enough photos. I�ll let you know on Sunday how the concert was���..

Antique - Futuristic

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