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Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 9:18 p.m.

BBBBAAAADDDDD FUCKIN' DAY !!(so this will be short)...on the more positive side- the photos are now ready to view�

My work garden is damaged much worse than I originally though. I had Sef (one of the resident farmers at our storage) check the garden out for me, so I could get a feel on how bad it is.

The overspray now appears to be a chemical called "Marksman", a broadleaf weed (or in my gardens case, vegetable plants) killer that contains a nasty little thing called Atrazine.

Atrazine is a systemic killer. Simple stated, that means it enters the plants outer cells, travels into the plants root system, and kills the entire plant.

Not only that, it can also sterilize the soil to any other non-grass (corn) plant that gets a large enough dose to saturate the surface.

I don�t think that will be a problem (I did have a nice layer of leaf mulch spread before the attack), but it looks like I will loose about � of my tomato plants, and maybe half of my hills of summer squash. All of my leafy crops will have to be left alone for at least a few days before any can be eaten. My peas look like they are toast. The snow peas were already done (and I ATE some of them a couple of days ago! YEAH!), but the snap peas were just in the process of setting pods. Now? No way I will eat them. The leaves at the top of the plants are yellow-white, and curling up. No hope for them, I fear�.

The squash plants that look really bad will be pulled out of the soil and disposed of tomorrow morning. In the same area, I plan on pulling back the leaf mulch and making new hills.

I have enough seeds to plant about � of what I will be loosing.

Not great, but better news than what I can do with the tomato plants. If they die, it�s too late to replace them.

I am really considering finding out who farms the land. I know they probably just paid some service to spray the fields, but it doesn�t really matter: if they sprayed on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (it had to be one of those days), they broke the law. In order to be licensed to spray controlled chemicals, you have to pass a complicated test and obey all laws that apply to use of these chemicals. One of the biggest, most important (and punishable) laws involves when you can spray:

Anytime the winds are above 10 mph, you can�t.

Simple as that.

That would be sustained winds, btw.

On none of the last 6 days has the sustained wind speed dropped below 15 or 20 mph during the daylight hours.

If he followed the laws he agreed to, my garden would be fine. But since he didn�t (and this isn�t the first time, like I said yesterday), he has royally pissed me off.

I want some blood, in other words.

Or at least an apology and a promise to show a little more consideration in their future spring spraying.

At the very least, I want this numb-nut spray boy to know how his few seconds of high-speed driving past my short garden area has fucked up my plans for the rest of the summer�.

Oh yeah- the one order I have placed for the workplace in the last week or so came in wrong today. We needed counter clockwise blades, they sent us clockwise.

This, after I gave the customer service rep the right number off of the blade. She told me that the number had been changed (why do all of these companies feel the need to CHANGE NUMBERS< WHEN THE OLD ONES WORK JUST FINE!!!).

She gave me the wrong number (I wrote it down) .So now they have to be returned (2 boxes, each weighing in at 96 pounds. That will cost one of us a pretty penny, won�t it?).

Enough bitchin�

I finally finished editing MOST of the photos from the big boat races 9actually, one day of trial heats) last weekend.

If you fell like checking them out, click here on the link . It will take you to my Photogra �Missing Photos� page.

Don�t worry-even though there are now over 700 photos stored there, only 100 or so are of boats and other sites seen this weekend. You can view small thumbnails (5 at a time) before you click on one to see a bigger view.

Not pushing you that direction�just thought I would let you know they are up for view if you are so inclined�.

Antique - Futuristic

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