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Blinker the Star - "August Everywhere" (1996 SKG Music) Jordan Zadorozny is a musical genius....

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Wednesday, Mar. 02, 2005 - 8:50 p.m.

Another early view of spring�

I said when another of my �forced bulb� pots came into bloom that I would post photos here.


I had one pot, filled with daffodils, that had already begun rising from the soil when I wrote that, over a week ago.

Since then, it has continued to grow, but it doesn�t look like any flowers will be forming. This sometimes happens when you force bulbs, and it seems to happen more often than not with daffodils.

Instead, this morning I found two of the three remaining pots covered with their own blooms. One has reddish-pink hyacinths. They aren�t much to look at (hyacinths never form flower stalks indoors as full as they do in the ground), but their scent fills the air for the entire first floor of the house.

What I have found to be almost a sure thing to force in containers is any of the smaller, early tulip varieties:

These are �I don�t know what variety- the tag I stuck in the pot when I planted the bulbs is gone. All I know for sure is that they are only 12� tall, and have very deep red blooms. Here�s a better look:

(That is the natural sunlight in both pictures, coming in through our diningroom window. Didn't have to use the flash. I think the color looks more realistic this way)

Each bloom is about the size of a golf ball. Not as large as the late spring Darwin or Grandaflora tulips, but still worth the effort.

Lease enjoys them�that�s good enough for me.

Still haven�t had time to work on the deer photos. When I came home today, I was stuck cleaning up an enormous mess made by Codeman�s dog, Bonehead. He is still recovering from his ear problems (now he has only a �cropped� ear on the left side because the first surgery didn�t take and his ear was getting gangrene). Because of the pain involved, he is under heavy medication. This causes him to drink too much water, and not be able to hold his bladder until I come home from work.

You getting the picture?

I had to use the carpet shampooer tonight. The indoor-outdoor carpeting in Codeman�s room is pretty threadbare, so it might be time to remove it this summer anyway.

Nothing like living with three incontinent male dogs�.

Antique - Futuristic

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