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Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2005 - 6:44 a.m.

Surviving Christmas (barely)�plus- a couple of recent family photos�

Spent the last 72 hours or so fighting a typical winter cold. Bunch of sinus action, headache, a little coughing.

Feel like crap, in other words.

It started before I was woke up on Sunday morning. The phone rang at 6 am. My boss was on the other end, calling me in for slush on the pavement. We had it all cleaned up by 11, but my timing for the rest of the day was shot. We ended up cooking our turkey breast a little later than we planned, rushed to Lease�s sister Angie�s house (where we didn�t eat much of anything) to watch the Bears clinch the title for their division (still having trouble believing they have done that), and ended the day with a neighbor of Angie�s swing a ping pong paddle behind Lease�s head, only because I beat her (yes, the neighbor was a her- she said she could beat anyone there a ping pong, and it was game point, my favor, when she lost her temper, blah, blah, blah) by forfeit due to the sudden end of the match. She came back a little later and gave Lease a strange apology. At least, I think it was an apology. I think Angie blames Leas enad I for the problem, to. Can�t figure that one out.

All and all, the kind of stuff that usually happens when you are 12 years old, not 44.

Oh well- considering how the cold was (and still is) wrecking havoc on my system, Christmas day was pretty decent�

A couple of photos from early December. Just got around to editing them:

I think that is about everyone (on Lease's side of the family, anyway ;)

Shot the day before our nephew returned to Iraq at a local pizza parlor.

So was this one:

I liked this one better in black and white. Since it was taken outside after dark, the colors were washed out anyway�

I�m off to work. Still feel like crap, but since I don�t have to work outside I might as well go in and save my sick days for when I really fell bad�

Antique - Futuristic

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