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2001-09-08 - 5:08 p.m.

This is my life,since my last entry.....

5:30 p.m. Friday....

Lease walks in the door,and has a happy fit over her wine rack.

See , I told you she would be happy.

Anyway,she was still feeling a little punk.She has been fighting a virus or cold or something that saps her of her energy and slighly upsets her stomach.

We wanted to go out to get something to eat,so I had her pick(due to the aforementioned stomach upset). She picked the new Mexican resteraunt by our house,Los Corporal.

Mexican and a slightly upset stomcah didn't work.She picked out a Quesodillas(I know that is probably spelled wrong,but you know what I mean) because she thought it would settle like a cheeze toastie.

It didn't.

7:00 p.m.......

Since she was feeling worse,we skipped the MacArthur football game.Codeman's bud Josh L. had a great game on defense,and they won 35-6 to a team that beat them last year.Looks like they are for real.

I just tuned in the local radio station and listen to their low paid announcer's play by play.Not the same,but it was nice to hear the names of so many boys I have coached in baseball doing so well.

Aside from that,I just surfed the web and read all of your diaries.This took me to....

10:00 p.m.......

I realised that Lease's stomach wasn't getting any better(duh,not very obsevant,am I?),because she just crashed on the bed watching t.v. I figured I should call it a night and join her in the bedroom.

We watched the end of 'Chasing Amy' for the 4th or 5th time(she hadn't seen it all the way before).I still can't figure out if she went back to living the gay life or not.Was that chick next to her (who was in the lesbian wine drinking session earlier in the movie) at the comic fair just there as a frind,or her new lover?I am so dense sometimes....


Watched 'Politically Incorrect',only because the panel included Shug Knight,Gene Simmons, and Kid ( or was it Play) from the old rap group 'Kid 'n Play'.

Shug was trying to explain how he had to do all the crap he did as a record producer to have 'Street Cred',and Gene Simmons stuck his tongue on some woman's cheek(didn't catch the name).

Bill Maher seemed like he was ready to bolt if Shug pulled out his Glock.Strange but fun television....


Lights out.I am a party animal,ain't I?

8:15 a.m. Saturday ........

We slept in.I woke up and decided to get up first.

Made coffee and toast for Lease,o.j. and toast for me.

Scanned our crappy local paper,and checked my stats from yesterday(51 pages, 14 different hosts.So someone is reading this.Thank you!).

10:00 a.m.....

Lease and I wasted an hour hitting several rummage sales.We did pick up a baby bed,minus mattress,for her kid brother's new baby.Not a total waste,but...come on people,throw out your trash!Don't try to sell it.Nobody wants 5 year old smelly tennis shoes.And the p.c. you bought in 1984?Recycle it!Too many rummage sales are not worth the gas they take to drive to.

Also,don't try to sell your old Christmas stuff for what the item would cost new!Lease saw a nice Nativity scene at one sale.Lighted ,and bigger than most you see.Might cost $50 new.

What a coincidence..she wanted $50 for it!

No,we didn't buy...

Sorry Uncle Bob , I didn't see any baby toys with poop on them....


After stopping at Kreckels(for the worlds best smashed hamburgers),we went home .I watched the first half of the Illinois football game.Tied 3-3 at the half to lowly Norther Illinois.

Fuck wasting time on that.

I went to the garage and started the process of getting the wine rack ready for the dining room.

I did get the supplies I needed ahead of time,so I sanded it(10 minutes) and applied 8 coats(!!) of cherry stain to the surface(2 hours).The results are o.k.,but I couldn't get it as dark as I would have liked.

By the time I finished,Illinois had built a 17-6 lead with about a minute to go in the game.Down to the basement for a shower.I must have sweated off about 5 pounds.Turned the t.v. and started the water in the shower.and then...

Northern scored a touchdown on a broken play.Score 17-13.Tried a 2 point play.It didn't work.Tried an onsides kick.It did work.Fuck!They had the ball on the 45 yard line,and the way it was going I new the Illini would blow it.

Nope.They went down after 4 plays.

Illini win 17-13.Whoopee!They were 21 point favorites,for gawds sake!I have tickets for next Saturdays game,against Louisville.My luck,the get their asses handed to them.


Lease and I go to Fairview plaza to do some shopping.

Video Review for a movie (Memento...I heard it was cool?).

Dollar General for $20 worth of stuff.Yes , we are cheapskates.Sue me.The same stuff would cost $35 at....

Krogers.I consider Krogers a large convienence store.Wallyworld adding groceries ruined me on Kro.They continue to crank up their prices,and cut service.

Those 'U-Check-Your-Own-Ass-Outs'?They cut 4 checkers jobs to 1 with them?I hate doing my own checking without any noticeable savings.

We only go there when time is a factor.

We used to buy all of our groceries ther,but not with the stooopid changes they made.

We then came home and that takes me to.....

5:08 p.m. (now)......

This here entry.

A long one (for me),but gives you an idea how an average Saturday goes around here.

Oh yeah,I almost forgot. Codeman went to his first'Youth Leadership' session today.It is a honors-extra thing from school.Only 50 high school juniors from our county.

Good stuff.

Might help him in college admissions,eh?

Antique - Futuristic

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