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Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002 - 8:55 p.m.

Happy commercially created day to sell many ties�and, I was SO wrong yesterday�..

What was I wrong about yesterday?

Here is what I said about the fishing yesterday ( with the carp and the cicadas)Very cool. I bet I never see this happen again in my lifetime.

I was wrong.

Last night, Lease�s sister Jules called her and asked her if she wanted to spend today on her boat. She has a nice float boat that her husband (may he rest in peace) bought a few years ago. She has taken it out maybe 5 times since he passed away two years ago. I can understand why she doesn�t want to use it, but she (and everyone else) has a great time when she does.

I talked to Lease about where we should take it, and convinced her that Clinton Lake was the place to go. Not only does it have a normal pool level right now (and fish that biting, as opposed to Lake S. , which is still 16 feet above normal and fishing-poor right now), J-Rod works for the power plant. Because of this, he has access to the company�s private boat ramp/beach/picnic area. The ramp is less than a mile from the cove where my dad and I were fishing yesterday.

Guess what?

The carp were still gorging themselves on the bounty of cicadas.

The big difference between fishing yesterday and today? I had time to prepare!

I dug out the old fiberglass rods I picked up at an auction (for $5 for the three of them) a few years ago. I mounted some older reels I never use on them, and I filled them with 12 lb. test line.

When we arrived at the ramp I started gathering up the nasty little locusts (or cicadas, if you want to be totally correct) from the shrubs along the shoreline. I had about 30 when we were ready to set out.

In the first hour of fishing, we caught 5 carp and one nice channel catfish! We had to take turns casting for these large fish, because we couldn�t take the chance of having two on at once. If that happened, lines could be crossed causing a nasty mess.

After about an hour, the women in the boat needed to make a bathroom run. Since we hadn�t even floated the boat to the hotspot yet, we returned to the ramp so they could take care of business. I went back on the shoreline, gathering up more cicadas, while they took care of things.

After this short pit stop, we returned to another quite cove for more fishing. Lease caught a bunch of nice male bluegill (on their spawning beds. Not as big as Carbondale �gils , but still fun) while we casted fruitlessly for more carp. Since they weren�t around, we decided it was time to cook our wieners for our lunch. Lease did the task (something to do with Father�s Day and all) while I caught bluegill, one after another, for the next 30 minutes. J-Rod and Codeman snoozed, and Jules listened to music on her headphones while this was happening, so nobody was put out while I fished. Very cool

After lunch, J-Rod drove the boat all the way to the cove where my Dad and I fished yesterday. The fish were feeding heavily, just like before, and we took turns catching and landing fish the rest of the afternoon. Even J-Rod caught a nice carp. He gets frustrated fishing, but is getting better at it all the time.

Final tally?

Codeman caught two keeper channel catfish, and 6 carp.

J-Rod caught his one carp (about 5 pounds), and had several more on his line before they got loose from him. He spent the last hour (while we fished) catching up on lost sleep.

Me? I caught 10 carp, anywhere from 2 pounds to somewhere around 7. Codeman caught the largest carp. It might have pushed 9 pounds. He also caught the only two catfish. I still haven�t figured out why that was, but we did keep them both for supper tomorrow night.

Here is a photo of him, with the fish:

He should write about today in his 'journal', too. Click here to see what he has to say bout the day.

He said he would like them baked with Cajun spices. He caught them; he gets to choose how they are prepared�.

So, to sum it up:

I have had two of the best fishing days of my life in the past two weeks. I have never caught more than 2 carp in a single day before, ever. I caught 10 nice fish today.

My arms and wrists are sore.

No, I don�t eat carp. I know there are many people who love them, and there has to be many great ways to cook them.

I don�t care. I just love to catch them. There is no other freshwater fish that fights like a carp. They put their heads down and just pull! I have never tried to go after these fish as a goal, but I know that there are many people around the world who hold this fish in high esteem. There are tournaments just for carp thrown all over Europe, and there has been an upsurge in tourneys here in America in the past few years, too.

I guess I should try to learn more about catching these huge fish, so I can get more of them when the cicadas go away.

Doughball, anyone?

They cicadas should be done by next weekend. When they finish their 13-year journey, this bizarre form of fishing will be over for the year.

Maybe I will hit the hatch just right, somewhere down the line. Maybe the locusts will have another year this heavy again before 13 years pass us again.

But, most likely not.

Right now, that don't matter. Today, we were able to be a part of something out of the ordinary, thanks to these voracious feeders.

I will go to bed with a smile on my face tonight��

Antique - Futuristic

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